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Trainings and Events

Live Training Sessions

Research Computing runs regular in-person training sessions throughout the year. These sessions are free and open to all UF researchers. Most sessions include hands-on exercises and users are encouraged to bring their own computers.

Training Schedule

Please view our calendar for trainings and events

Group Training

In addition to the regularly scheduled sessions, you can request a Group Training Session for your group.

Additional Training Opportunities

In addition to the training sessions coordinated by UF Research Computing, we are aware of many training opportunities provided by other institutions and vendors. These are listed below.

Intel Software Tools Technical Webinar Series

This free webinar series presents tools, tips, and techniques that will help sharpen your development skills on developing and improving your high performance compute applications for multicore and manycore on Intel® Xeon® processors and Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessors. Expert technical teams at Intel as well as open source innovators discuss development tools, programming models, vectorization and execution models that will get your development efforts powered up to get the best out of your applications and platforms.

Full schedule and registration information is available here.


The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment online training mostly lists html tutorials offered at the Cornell University. Offered tutorials cover general programming, scripting, parallel programming (concepts, message passing interface (MPI), openmp), visualisation, code improvement, and other topics.

The XSEDE Training Calendar includes many useful webcasts that are provided by a number of institutions. For most events registration is required.


Many TACC online training sessions are webcast and are listed in the XSEDE Training Calendar above. Training materials, recordings and webcasts are available from the TACC Course Materials site.