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Installed ApplicationsΒΆ


Up to three latest versions are listed even though there could be more available. Run module spider keyword for a full list of provided versions. Use the Module value from the second column below as the keyword. If it's a 'core' module you should be able to directly combine the Module name and a Version for a load command e.g. 'module load pylucene'.

Name Module/Website Versions Categories
3d-dna 3d-dna 20170330 biology, phylogenetics
3pclr 3PCLR 20150906 biology, phylogenetics
4p 4p 1.0 biology, variant_calling
aaftf AAFTF 0.2.5, 0.4.1 biology, pipeline, assembly
abricate ABRicate 1.0.1 phylogenetics
abruijn ABruijn 1.0 biology, assembly, ngs
abyss ABySS 2.1.0, 2.2.5, 2.3.7 biology, de_novo
actc ACTC 0.3.1 biology
adapterremoval AdapterRemoval 2.2.2 phylogenetics
adfrsuite ADFRsuite 1.0 sequencing, biology
admb ADMB 11.5, 12.0 math, modeling
admixtools AdmixTools 20150311, 7.0.2 biology, genomics, ngs
admixture ADMIXTURE 1.23, 1.3.0, 1.30 biology, genomics, ngs
aegean AEGeAn 0.14.0, 0.16.0 biology, genomics
afni AFNI 20.3.00, 2018_04_12, 23.3.09 biology, neuroscience, imaging
afterqc AfterQC 0.9.7 phylogenetics
agat AGAT 0.4.0, 1.4.2 phylogenetics
agc acg 3.2.1 biology, genomics
agfusion AGFusion 1.252 phylogenetics
albacore Albacore 2.3.1, 2.3.3 biology, phylogenetics
albumentations Albumentations 1.0.3 ai, image_processing, imaging
alder Alder 1.03 biology, genomics
alevin-fry Alevin-fry 0.8.1 sequencing, biology
alfa ALFA 1.1.1 phylogenetics
alfred alfred 0.2.6 web, math
alienhunter alienhunter 1.7 biology, sequencing
alistat AliStat 1.12 phylogenetics
allelecount alleleCount 20210713 biology
allhic allhic 0.9.8 genomics, biology
allmaps ALLMAPS 20180117 biology, phylogenetics
allpaths ALLPATHS-LG 42316, 44837, 49232 biology, ngs
alphafold AlphaFold 2.1.2, 2.3.1, 2.3.2 protein, structure, machine_learning
alphafold2-multimer-nim alphafold2-multimer 1.0.0 biology
alphafold3 AlphaFold 3.0.0 protein, structure, machine_learning
alphaimpute Alphaimpute 0.0.2,, phylogenetics
alphamate AlphaMate 0.1.1 biology
alphapulldown AlphaPulldown 2.0.0b2, 2.0.1, 2.0.2 protein, structure, machine_learning
altanalyze AltAnalyze 2.1.0 biology, genomics
amas AMAS 1.0 phylogenetics
amber AMBER 20, 22, 24 chemistry, molecular_dynamics
ambertools ambertools 23 chemistry, molecular_dynamics
amico AMICO 1.0.1, 2.0.1 library, imaging, math
amos AMOS 3.1.0 biology, genomics, assembly
amp AMP 0.6.1 phylogenetics
ampeppy amPEPpy 1.0 phylogenetics
amphora2 amphora2 20140305 biology, phylogenetics
ampligraph Ampligraph 2.0.0 programming, library, math
amptk AMPtk 1.5.1, 1.5.4, 1.6 biology, ngs
amptorch amptorch 20210313 phylogenetics
amrfinderplus amrfinderplus 3.10.18, 3.12.8 phylogenetics
amrplusplus AMRPlusPlus 20180508 phylogenetics
amuse AMUSE 10.0, 13.1.0 astronomy
ancestryhmm ancestryhmm 1.0.2 genomics, biology
anchorwave anchorwave 1.2.1 biology, genomics
andi ANDI 0.15b assembly
angsd ANGSD 0.933, 0.940 biology, ngs
annocript annocript 2.0 phylogenetics
annotale AnnoTALE 1.4.1 phylogenetics
annovar ANNOVAR 20150322, 20191024, 20241218 biology, genomics
ansible Ansible 2.5.5, 2.8.1 workflow_automation
ansys ANSYS 2023R2 modeling
ansysem ansysem 17.0, 2022r1, 2023r1 physics
antismash antiSMASH 4.1.0, 6.0.1, 7.0.0 phylogenetics
ants ANTs 2.2.0, 2.3.4 biology, phylogenetics
anvio anvio 6.2, 7.1, 8.0 biology
appreci8 Appreci8 20180530 biology, genomics
apptainer Apptainer 1.2.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.5 workflow_automation
apt APT 1.18.0, 1.20.5, 2.11.8 biology, genomics
aquamis aquamis 1.4.0 biology, genomics
arb arb r19270 phylogenetics
arc ARC 1.1.4 biology, ngs
arcashla arcashla 0.5.0 biology, genetics
arcticporechop Arcticporechop 0.3.2 phylogenetics
aria2 Aria2 1.35.0 utility
arks ARKS 1.0.2 phylogenetics
armadillo Armadillo 7.900.0, 9.200.6, 9.900.4 library, compiler, math
arpack ARPACK 1.0 math
arrayfire ArrayFire 3.4.2 math
arriba arriba 2.1.0 phylogenetics
art ART 20160417, 20160605 phylogenetics
artemis artemis 18.1.0 biology
asap asap 2.0 visualization, biology
asaq asaq 1.0 alignment, sequencing, phylogenetics
asdec ASDEC 1.2 bioinformatics
ase-ani ASE-ANI 20180712 biology, genomics, ngs
ashs ASHS 2.0 biology, imaging
aspect ASPECT 2.3.0, 2.5.0 library
assembly-stats Assembly-stats 1.0.1 biology, sequencing, genomics
assemblytics Assemblytics 1.2.1 phylogenetics
asset asset 20210112 sequencing, data_science
assexon Assexon 20190814 phylogenetics
astalavista AStalavista 3.2, 4.0 biology, genomics
aster aster 1.15, 1.16, 220718 biology, data_science, sequencing
asteroid asteroid 1.0 genomics
astral ASTRAL 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.7.7 biology, ngs, phylogenetics
astrid ASTRID 2.2.1 phylogenetics
astropy Astropy 2.0.8 biology, phylogenetics
atat ATAT 3.23, 3.34 material_science
atom Atom 1.57.0 programming
atomeye AtomEye 3 material_science
atomman AtomMan 1.3.3 phylogenetics
atram aTRAM 2.2.0, 2.4.3 math
augustus Augustus 3.3.3, 3.4.0, 3.5.0 biology, genomics
auto3dem Auto3DEM 4.05.2 image_processing
autodock AutoDock-GPU 4.2.6 chemistry
autodock-gpu AutoDock-GPU 1.5.3 chemistry
autodock-vina autodock-vina 1.2.3, 1.2.5 biology
autometa Autometa 2.2.0, 20190802 phylogenetics
automlsa2 automlsa2 0.8.1 phylogenetics, biology, genomics
awscli AWSCLI 2.11.7, 2.2.30 utility
azoo azoo 1.3.1 phylogenetics
bactopia bactopia 2.2.0 genomics
badread Badread 0.1.5 phylogenetics
bakta bakta 1.3.3, 1.9.4 genomics, biology
bali-phy BALi-Phy 3.4.1, 3.5.0 phylogenetics
bam-matcher BAM-matcher 20161021 phylogenetics
bam-readcount Bam-Readcount 20150616 biology, genomics
bamaddrg bamaddrg 20120326 phylogenetics
bambam BamBam 1.0, 1.4 biology, genomics
bamm bamm 2.5.0 phylogenetics
bamsnap bamsnap 0.2.19 phylogenetics
bamstats Bamstats 20140602 biology, ngs
bamsurgeon Bamsurgeon 1.2 phylogenetics
bamtofastq bamtofastq 1.3.5 phylogenetics
bamtools Bamtools 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.5.2 biology, ngs, sequencing
bamutil bamUtil 1.0.2 biology, genomics
baps BAPS 6.0 biology, genomics
barrnap Barrnap 0.7, 0.9 biology, rna-seq
basal basal 1.8.1 Alignment
basemount Basemount 0.15.96, 0.25.2 biology, sequencing
batmeth2 BatMeth2 20210720 biology, genomics, mapping
bax2bam bax2bam 0.0.9 phylogenetics
bayarea BayArea 1.0.2 biology
bayenv BAYENV 2.0 biology, phylogenetics
bayesass BayesAss 3.0.4, phylogenetics
bayesass3-snps bayesass3-snps 1.1 phylogenetics
bayescan BayeScan 2.1 biology, variant_calling
bayesr BayesR 20151016 biology, phylogenetics
bayestraits BayesTraits 3.0.2 phylogenetics
baypass baypass 2.1 biology, phylogenetics
bbmap BBMap 38.44, 38.90, 39.06 biology, alignment
bcftools bcftools 1.13, 1.15, 1.19 biology, ngs
bcl2fastq bcl2fastq, biology, ngs
bclconvert BCLConvert 4.2.7, 4.3.13 biology, ngs
bdg-sequila BDG-SeQuila 0.5.5 phylogenetics
beagle BEAGLE 4.1, 5.0, 5.2 biology, genomics
bear BEAR 20170209 biology, genomics
beast BEAST 2.7.0, 2.7.3, 2.7.5 biology, phylogenetics
beast2-xml BEAST2-XML 1.0.9 phylogenetics
beastx BEAST 10.5.0-beta4, 10.5.0-beta5 biology, phylogenetics
bedops BEDOPS 2.4.30, 2.4.41 biology, sequencing, ngs
bedtools BEDTools 2.29.1, 2.29.2, 2.30.0 biology, ngs
bertini Bertini 1.6 math
bertopic BERTopic 0.14.0, 0.7, 0.8.1 machine_learning
besst BESST 2.2.4 biology, ngs
bfast BFAST 0.7.0 biology, ngs
bfc BFC 1.0 genome
bgenix bgenix 1.1.7 data_science, genomics
bidscoin BIDSCOIN 3.7.4, 4.3.0 neuroscience
bifrost Bifrost 0.2, 1.0.3, 20200225 phylogenetics
big-scape BiG-SCAPE 1.1.2, 1.1.9 biology, genomics, phylogenetics, pipeline
bigslice bigslice 1.1.1, 2.0.0 biology, genomics
bindash bindash 1.0.1, 1.0.2 genomics
binpacker BinPacker 1.0 biology, rna-seq, assembly
binsanity BinSanity biology, genomics
bioawk Bioawk 1.0 phylogenetics
biobakery bioBakery 1.8, 3.0.0, 3.1.0 phylogenetics
biodiverse Biodiverse 2.1 phylogenetics
biolite Biolite biology, genomics, variant_calling
biom BIOM 2.1.5, 2.1.6 biology, genomics
biomart BIOMART 1.4 biology, genomics
bionemo BioNeMo 0.3.1, 1.2, 1.3 ai, machine_learning
biopieces Biopieces 2.0 phylogenetics
birdnet BirdNET 0.1.2 bioinformatics
bismark Bismark 0.24.2, 0.7.4, 0.7.7 biology, ngs
blackfynn Blackfynn 0.2.7 data_mining
blasr BLASR 20130815, 20161215 (5.3), 5.3.2 biology, ngs
blast2go Blast2GO 1.3.3, 2.5.0-20120705 biology, genomics
blat BLAT 20121105, 20140318 genomics
blender blender 2.77, 3.0.1, 4.0.2 graphics
blink blink 0.01 genomics
blitz Blitz 0.10, 1.0.2 library
blobtools BlobTools 1.0, 2.2, 4.3.5 phylogenetics
bloomfiltertrie bloomfiltertrie 0.8.7 phylogenetics
bloomtree BloomTree 0.3.5 data_mining
blupf90 BLUPF90 20160604, 20180301, 20190531 biology, phylogenetics
bmge BMGE 1.12 biology, genomics, phylogenetics
bmtagger bmtagger 3.101 genomics, biology
bolt-lmm BOLT-LMM 2.3.4 phylogenetics
boltztrap BoltzTraP 1.2.5 physics
boost Boost 1.75.0, 1.77.0, 1.82.0 programming, library, compiler
booster booster 0.1.2 phylogenetics
botorch botorch 0.7.1 phylogenetics, biology
bowtie Bowtie 1.2.0, 1.2.3, 1.3.1 biology, ngs, sequencing
bowtie2 Bowtie2, 2.4.2, 2.4.5 biology, ngs, sequencing
boxcli BoxCLI 2.9.0 file_management, web, programming
bpga BPGA 1.2 biology, ngs
bpp BPP 4.1.4, 4.3.8, 4.4.1 biology, phylogenetics
bppsuite BppSuite 2.3.2 genomics
bracken Bracken 1.0.0, 2.5, 2.9 biology, phylogenetics
brainiak BrainIAK 0.11 imaging
braker braker 3.0.2, 3.0.3, 3.0.8 phylogenetics
branch BRANCH 1.8.1 biology, ngs, mapping
bratnextgen BRATNextGen 20150505 biology, genomics
breakdancer BreakDancer 1.4.5 biology, phylogenetics
breakseq breakseq 2.2 biology, phylogenetics
brewery Brewery 20191205 phylogenetics
bridger Bridger 20141201 ngs, genomics, biology
brig BRIG 0.95 biology, genomics
brkraw brkraw 0.3.5 data_science, imaging
brm BRM 0.3 phylogenetics
bruker2nifti Bruker2nifti 1.0.4 phylogenetics
bsmap Bsmap 2.87 biology, ngs
bsoft Bsoft 1.9.1 biology, image_processing
bsseeker2 BSseeker2 2.1.0, 2.1.8 biology, phylogenetics
bubbleparse bubbleparse 20140314 biology, phylogenetics
bucky BUCKy 1.4.4 biology, phylogenetics
busco BUSCO 4.1.4, 5.2.0 biology, genomics
bwa BWA 0.7.7, 0.7.8, 0.7.9a biology, ngs
bwa-mem2 bwa-mem2 2.2.1 phylogenetics
bwa-pssm BWA-PSSM 0.5.11 phylogenetics
bwameth bwa-meth 0.2.7 genomics, biology
bxh_xcede_tools bxh_xcede_tools 1.11.1 biology
byobu BYOBU 5.133, 5.92 shell
bzip2 bzip2 1.0.6 utility, library
c-wap c-wap 20220624 sequencing, genomics, biology
cactus Cactus 2.0.3, 2.0.5, 2.8.0 genomics
cadd-scripts CADD-SCRIPTS 1.7.2 biology, phylogenetics
cafe CAFE 4.1, 5.0.0, 5.1.0 biology, phylogenetics
came came 0.0.1 phylogenetics
camino Camino 20140723 biology, neuroscience, imaging
cammiq cammiq 0.1.1 genomics, biology
camp CAMP 1.0.0 biology, sequencing
cantera Cantera 2.1.1 physics
canu Canu 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 biology, sequencing
canvas CANVAS phylogenetics
cap3 CAP3 20120705 biology, assembly
capnp Capnp 0.5.3 compiler
captus captus 0.9.88, 0.9.91 phylogenetics, biology
carta CARTA 2.0 image_processing
casava CASAVA 1.8.2 biology, ngs
casm CASM 0.2.0 physics
casoffinder CasOFFinder 2.4 phylogenetics
cat CAT 12 Standalone biology
catch Catch 1.4.0 biology, genomics, sequencing
caviar CAVIAR 20171218 biology, phylogenetics
cbgpipe CBGpipe 20190702 phylogenetics
ccmetagen CCMetagen 1.4.0 phylogenetics
cdbfasta CDBFasta 20181005 phylogenetics
cdhit CD-HIT 4.6, 4.6.4, 4.6.8 biology, genomics
cdo CDO 1.7.2rc3, 1.9.4 climate
cdrt CDRT 23.10 machine_learning
celescope celescope 2.1.0 biology, sequencing, genomics
celescope_atac celescope_atac 1.2.0 biology, sequencing, genomics
cellprofiler CellProfiler 3.1.9, 4.1.3, 4.2.6 phylogenetics
cellranger CellRanger 7.0.1, 7.2.0, 8.0.0 biology, ngs, rna-seq
cellranger-arc CellRanger-ARC 2.0.1, 2.0.2 biology, ngs, rna-seq
cellranger-atac CellRanger-ATAC 1.2.0 biology, ngs, rna-seq
cellranger-dna CellRanger-DNA 1.0.0, 1.1.0 biology, ngs, rna-seq, genomics
centrifuge Centrifuge 1.0.3, 1.0.4b biology, phylogenetics
cfitsio CFITSIO 3.370 library, compiler
cgal CGAL 5.02, 5.5.2, 5.6 library, math
cgatools CGATools biology, ngs
cgmaptools cgmaptools 0.1.1, 0.1.2 phylogenetics
cgmlst cgmlst 0.2 phylogenetics
cgmlstfinder cgmlstfinder 1.0 genetics
cgview CGView 1.0.2 phylogenetics
chafa Chafa 1.14.5 utilities, visualization
charmm CHARMM 4b2, c48b2, c49b1 chemistry, simulation
checkm CheckM 1.0.7, 1.1.2, 1.2.3 biology, genomics
checkm2 CheckM2 1.0.2 biology, genomics
checkv checkv 1.0.1 biology, genomics
chewbbaca chewbbaca 3.3.0 biology, genomics
chewiesnake chewiesnake 3.0.0 biology, genomics
chimera Chimera 1.12 biology, modeling
chipyard Chipyard 1.0 simulation
chopper Chopper 0.8.0 bioinformatics
chromeister Chromeister 1.5a biology, genomics
chromevol ChromEvol 2.0, 3.0 biology, ngs
cialign CIALIGN 1.1.4 bioinformatics
cims CIMS 4.1.2 biology, genomics
circexplorer CIRCexplorer 1.1.10 biology, rna-seq
circexplorer2 CIRCexplorer2 2.3.5, 2.3.8 phylogenetics
circexplorer3 circexplorer3 01172021 RNA-Seq
circlator Circlator 1.5.5 phylogenetics
circleator Circleator 1.0.2 phylogenetics
circompara2 circompara2 phylogenetics
circos Circos 0.63-pre11, 0.69-2, 0.69-9 biology, genomics, ngs
circtools circtools 1.2.1 biology
ciri CIRI 2.0.6 phylogenetics
ciriquant ciriquant 1.1.2 phylogenetics
cisgenome CisGenome 2.0 biology, genomics
cistem cisTEM 1.0.0 phylogenetics
clairvoyante Clairvoyante 1.02 phylogenetics
clang clang 19.1.7 development, compiler, library
clann Clann 3.2.3 biology, phylogenetics
clara clara v4.0 ai, machine_learning
clark CLARK 1.2.2-b, 1.2.3 biology, genomics
clean clean 1.0.1 protein, machine_learning
clearmap apps 2.0 biology, neurobiology
clhep CLHEP physics
clifinder CLIFinder 4.1 biology, phylogenetics
clinicadl ClinicaDL 1.0.4, 1.2.0 biology, imaging, machine_learning
clipkit clipkit 1.3.0 genomics, biology
clipper CLIPper 2.1.0 phylogenetics
clipseqtools CLIPSeqTools 0.1.7 biology, sequencing
cliquesnv CliqueSNV 2.0.3 biology, phylogenetics
clonalframe ClonalFrame 1.1, 1.2 biology, ngs, phylogenetics
clonalframeml ClonalFrameML 1.0, 1.11 biology, ngs, phylogenetics
cloudcompare CloudCompare 2.10.3 visualization
clover Clover 2.0 biology, genomics, assembly
clumpp CLUMPP 1.1.2 biology
clustalo ClustalO 1.2.0 biology, alignment
clustalw ClustalW 2.1 biology, alignment
cluster3 cluster3 1.52a biology, genomics
clview Clview 20130402 biology
cmake CMake 3.21.3, 3.26.4, 3.30.5 programming
cms CMS 20170518, 20240429, 20241225 biology
cmwp CMWP 140518 biology, genomics
cnci CNCI 20180305 phylogenetics
cnspipeline CNSpipeline 20170827 phylogenetics
cnv-sim CNV-Sim 0.9.2 biology, phylogenetics
cnvkit CNVkit 0.9.6 phylogenetics
cnvnator CNVnator 0.3.2 biology, genomics
cnvseq CNV-Seq 20110715, 20140812 biology, genomics
cobra-tf cobra-tf 0.1 fluid_dynamics
cobretti Cobretti 1.0 GeneExpression
codonphyml CodonPhyML 20150303 phylogenetics
coevol Coevol 1.3c, 1.4b, 1.6 biology, phylogenetics
cogent Cogent 2.1 biology, phylogenetics
colmap COLMAP 3.11, 3.6 modeling
comap CoMap 1.4.1 biology, genomics
combined-pvalues combined-pvalues 0.50.6 statistics, bioinformatics
comebin COMEBIN 1.0.4 biology, genomics
comp-d_mpi Comp-D_MPI 1.0 statistics
compacta Compacta 1.02 biology, genomics
comsol COMSOL 6.2, 6.2.04, 6.3 simulation
concaterpillar Concaterpillar 1.8a phylogenetics
concoct CONCOCT 1.1.0 biology, genomics
conda Conda 24.3.0, 24.7.1, 25.1.1 programming
conefor Conefor 2.7.3 software
conn CONN 22a imaging
connect CONNECT 20200614 phylogenetics
connectomemapper3 connectomemapper3 3.0.0-rc1 phylogenetics
conpade ConPADE 1.0 phylogenetics
conpair Conpair 20161010, 20180624 biology, phylogenetics
conquest GROMACS 2021.4 chemistry, molecular_dynamics
consed Consed 23.0, 25.0, 29.0 biology, genomics
consel CONSEL 0.20 biology, phylogenetics
contavect ContaVect 0.2 biology, phylogenetics
convert3d Convert3D 1.1.0 imaging, utility
coot Coot 0.9.5 modeling
coptr CoPTR 1.1.6 biology
coreutils Coreutils 8.23, 8.28 utility
corset Corset 1.06 biology, ngs
counterr Counterr 0.1, 20230501 phylogenetics
coverm Coverm 0.6.1 biology, genomics, ngs
covnmr covNMR 2014 chemistry, biology
cp2k cp2k 2024.1, 7.0.0 imaging
cpat CPAT 3.0.2 phylogenetics
cpc cpc 2.0 phylogenetics
cplex CPLEX 12.6.2, 12.7, 12.9 climate
crass Crass 1.0.1 biology, assembly
crest crest 12.2, 2.12, 3.0 chemistry
crisflash crisflash 1.2.0 phylogenetics
crisp CRISP 20181122, 20240419 phylogenetics
crispranalyzer CRISPRanalyzer 1.50 biology, genomics, ngs
crisprcasfinder CRISPRCasFinder 4.2.17 phylogenetics
crispresso2 CRISPResso2 20220811 genomics, sequencing, biology
crossmap CrossMap 0.3.9, 0.6.3 biology, genomics
crossmapper crossmapper 1.1.1 phylogenetics
crux Crux 1.40 biology, spectroscopy
cryodrgn cryodrgn 2.3.0, 3.4.2 biology
cryptominisat CryptoMiniSat 5.0.1 math
csubst csubst 1.3.0 Biology, Phylogenetics
csvpad csvpad 1.2 data science
csvtk csvtk 0.23.0, 0.30.0 biology
ctk ctk 1.1.4 biology, genomics
cu-lammps LAMMPS 02Aug23 molecular Dynamics
cube CUBE 4.4 library, compiler, math
cuda CUDA 12.2.2, 12.3.2, 12.4.1 programming, library, graphics
cudnn cuDNN 9.6.0 library
cufflinks Cufflinks 2.1.1, 2.2.1, biology, ngs, sequencing
cuopt cuOpt 22.12 Accelerated AI Logistics and Route Optimization
cupcake CDNA_Cupcake 22.0.0, 9.0.1 biology, ngs, sequencing
cupy cupy 8.3.0 phylogenetics
cutadapt cutadapt 1.18, 2.8, 3.4 biology, ngs
cutruntools CutRunTools 20200104 phylogenetics
cvbio cvbio 3.0.0 phylogenetics
cvit CViT 1.3 programming, library
cwltool CWLtool 1.0.20190906, 2.0.20200126, 3.0.20210124104916 workflow_automation, scheduler
cxoracle cx_oracle 8.3.0 database, utility
cyclegan CycleGan 20201015 phylogenetics
cytoscape Cytoscape 3.10.2, 3.4.0 biology, ngs, phylogenetics
cyvcf2 cyvcf2 20230728 library
d2go d2go 20210702 machine_learning, ai
dadi dadi 2.1.1 phylogenetics
dakota DAKOTA 6.15, 6.8, 6.8-gui math
daligner DALIGNER 1.0 biology, phylogenetics
dammit dammit 1.0rc2 biology, phylogenetics
dancemapper dancemapper 1.0.0 machine learning
dapars dapars 1.0.0 genomics, biology
darwin-gpu darwin-gpu 20190115 genomics, alignment
dastool DASTool 1.1.0, 1.1.2 biology, phylogenetics
datamash datamash 1.1.0 math
dawgpaws DAWGPAWS 1.0 biology, phylogenetics
dbcanlight dbcanlight 1.1.0 biology, annotation
dcc DCC 0.4.4 biology, ngs
dcmstack Dcmstack 0.6.2 biology, imaging
dcmtk DCMTK 3.6.0 biology, neuroscience, imaging
ddocent dDocent 2.7.8 phylogenetics
ddprotocol ddprotocol 20230405 biology, machine learning
ddscat DDSCAT 7.3.0 astronomy
ddt DDT 20.0, 20.2, 23.0 programming
dealii DealII 8.3.0, 9.3.1, 9.5.1 library
deconseq DeconSeq 0.4.3 biology, phylogenetics
decontaminer decontaMiner 1.4 genomics, biology
decx DECX 20180205 phylogenetics
deeparg DeepARG 1.0.1 phylogenetics
deepbgc deepbgc 0.1.18 phylogenetics
deepcoil Deepcoil 2.0.1 sequencing, biology
deepfri deepfri 03312021 machine learning, biology
deepgs DeepGS 1.2 phylogenetics
deeplabcut DeepLabCut 2.1.1, 2.2.1, 3.0 phylogenetics
deeplexicon deeplexicon 1.2.0 RNAseq
deepmd-kit DeePMD-kit 2.1.11 molecular dynamics, deep learning
deepmd-lammps DeepMD-LAMMPS 2.2.0-02Aug23 molecular Dynamics
deepmicrobes deepmicrobes 20200219 biology, genomics, machine_learning
deepmreye DeepMReye 01192022 library, biology
deeppicker DeepPicker 20161102 imaging
deepsig deepsig 1.2.5 biology
deeptools deepTools 2.4.3, 3.1.1, 3.5.2 biology, ngs
deepvariant deepvariant 1.4.0, 1.5.0, 1.6.1 biology, genomics, sequencing, machine_learning
defusion deFusion 20200305 phylogenetics
delft3d Delft3D 4.06.01, 7545 physics
delineate Delineate 1.2.2 biology, genomics
delly Delly 0.7.7, 0.7.8, 1.1.5 biology, phylogenetics
delucs delucs 20220512 sequencing, genomics, machine_learning
denogap DeNoGAP 1.0 biology, phylogenetics, ngs
deriva DERIVA 1.5.0 phylogenetics
desalt deSALT 1.5.6 biology, genomics, sequencing
desmond Desmond 6.9 biology
detectron2 Detectron2 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 library
detin DeTiN imaging, ngs, genomics
devider DEVIDER 0.0.1 biology, genomics, ngs, nanopore
dextractor DEXTRACTOR 1.0 biology, sequencing
diamond Diamond 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.1.8 biology, genomics
diann DIANN 1.8.1 protein, structure
dical2 diCal2 biology, phylogenetics
diffdock-nim diffdock 2.0.1 docking, drug discovery
diffdomain diffDomain 1.0.0 bioinformatics
diffreps diffReps 1.55.4 biology
disbatch disbatch 2.5 software
discovardenovo DISCOVAR de novo 52488 biology, ngs, assembly
discovista DiscoVista 20180906 phylogenetics
discvrseq discvrseq 1.3.10 biology, phylogenetics
distruct Distruct 2.3 phylogenetics
diyabc DIYABC, 2.0.3, 2.1.0 biology, phylogenetics
dlib Dlib 19.19 phylogenetics
dlpoly DL_POLY 1.9 molecular_dynamics
dnaclust DNA Clust 3.0 biology, genomics
dock DOCK 6.7, 6.8, 6.9 chemistry
dogfinder DoGFinder 20201103 phylogenetics
dorado dorado 0.7.0, 0.7.2, 0.8.2 genomics
dosageconvertor DosageConvertor 1.0.3 biology
dot DOT 2.0 biology, chemistry
doxygen Doxygen 1.12.0,, 1.9.7 programming, documentation
dp_gp_cluster DP_GP_cluster 0.1 bioinformatics
dragmap dragmap 1.2.1 phylogenetics, sequencing, biology
dragonflye dragonflye 1.0.12 sequencing, genomics
dram dram 1.3 biology, genomics, annotation
drap DRAP 1.91 biology, phylogenetics
drep dRep 2.3.2, 3.4.2 phylogenetics
dretools dretools rna-seq
drishti drishti 3.2 visualization
dropseq Dropseq 2.4.0 phylogenetics
dscribe DScribe 1.2.0 machine_learning
dsistudio dsistudio 20210123, 20220803, 20240311 imaging
dsk DSK 2.1.0, 2.3.0 biology, ngs
dsrc DSRC 2.0 phylogenetics
dssat DSSAT 4.6, 4.8.5 simulation
dssp DSSP 2.2.1, 3.0.0 molecular_dynamics
dsuite DSuite 0.4, 0.4-r41, 0.4-r49 biology, genomics
dtiprep dtiprep 0.1.1 phylogenetics
dtitk DTI-TK 2.3.1 imaging
duchamp duchamp 1.6.2 phylogenetics
dvgfinder DVGfinder 3.1 genomics, search, sequencing
dx-toolkit dx-toolkit 0.347.0 biology
dynamicdbg dynamicDBG 20181003 phylogenetics
dynare Dynare 4.4.3 math
dynasor dynasor 2.0 Molecular_Dynamics
eagle EAGLE 2.0 phylogenetics
eagle-rc eagle-rc 1.1.1 phylogenetics
earlgrey Earlgrey 4.2.4 biology
eautils ea-utils 1.04.807.18, biology, genomics, ngs
ece ECE 1.2 physics
ecopcr ecopcr 0.5.0 Biology
eddy-squeeze eddy-squeeze 1.0.8 data_science, visualization
edirect EDirect 10.7, 12.2 biology, phylogenetics
edta EDTA 1.9.6, 2.1.0 genomics
edyeet Edyeet 0.1, 0.3 phylogenetics
eeglab EEGLAB, 13.2.2b, 13.4.4b biology
eems eems 0.1 geospatial
effectorp effectorp 2.0.1, 3.0 biology
egene-mvn eGene-MVN 0.1 biology, genomics
eggnog-mapper eggNOG-mapper 2.0.1, 2.1.12, 2.1.6 phylogenetics
ego4d Ego4D 1.3.2 image processing
egsnrc EGSnrc 2019 phylogenetics
eigen3 EIGEN3 3.4.0 libraries, mathematics
eigensoft EIGENSOFT 5.0.1, 6.0.1, 6.1.4 biology
elastix Elastix 4.9.0, 5.1.0 phylogenetics
elpa ELPA 2019.11.001 library, compiler, math
elprep elPrep 4.1.4 phylogenetics
emacs Emacs 27.2, 28.2 programming, language
email_storage_alert Email Alert Service 1.0.0 file_management
eman2 EMAN2 2.22, 2.31 image_processing
emboss EMBOSS 6.6.0 biology
embree Embree 3.6.1 graphics
emc EMC 9.4.3 simulation
emerald emerald 0.1 biology
emmax EMMAX 20100307, 20120210 biology, ngs, mapping
emu emu 3.4.5 phylogenetics
energyplus EnergyPlus 9.3.0 simulation
enrichm enrichm 0.6.5 biology
ensembl_tools Ensembl Tools 100, 80 biology
entap enTAP, 20160416 biology, phylogenetics
epacts EPACTS 3.2.6, 3.4.2, 3.4.2.hg38 biology, genomics
epinano EpiNano 1.2.0 biology, ngs
epiteome epiteome 1.0 phylogenetics
epoch epoch 4.7.3 astronomy
eqtla eQTLA 1.1 biology, genomics
eqtlbma eQtlBma 1.2.2, 1.3.0r20140820 biology, genomics
erpin Erpin 5.5.4 biology, phylogenetics
esmf esmf 8.3.0), 8.7.0) geospatial
esom ESOM 1.1 biology, phylogenetics
espresso ESPRESSO 7.1, 7.2, 7.3.1 chemistry, modeling
esprit ESPRIT 2009-nogap, 201102 biology
ete ETE4 4.0.0 biology, phylogenetics
ete3 ETE3 3.0.0, 3.1.1 biology, phylogenetics
eukulele EUKulele 2.0.7 alignment, biology, genomics
eviann eviann 2.0.0 genomics, biology
evidencemodeler EVidenceModeler 1.1.1 phylogenetics
evigene Evigene 20180730, 20200520 phylogenetics
evolstm EvoLSTM 20220103 biology
exabayes ExaBayes 1.5 phylogenetics
exonerate Exonerate 2.2.0, 2.4.0 biology, genomics
expansionhunter ExpansionHunter 4.0.2 biology, genomics
expansionhunterdenovo ExpansionHunterDenovo 0.9.0 biology, genomics
export2graphlan export2graphlan 0.22 statistics, mapping, visualization
express eXpress 1.3.1, 1.5.1 biology, ngs
ezaai ezaai 1.0 biology, phylogenetics
face_morpher face_morpher 20190630 phylogenetics
face_recognition face_recognition 1.2.2 phylogenetics
fairseq fairseq 0.12.2 modeling, ai
falco falco 1.2.1 biology, sequencing
falcon FALCON 20161027, 20161222, 20190601 biology, ngs, sequencing
falcon_unzip FALCON_unzip 20161222 biology
fanc fanc 0.9.28 biology, genomics, ngs
faqcs faqcs 2.10 Genomics, biology
far FAR 2.15 biology, genomics
fast FAST 1.06 biology, phylogenetics
fast-gep fast-gep 1.0 phylogenetics
fast-plast Fast-Plast 1.2.6 biology, phylogenetics
fast5tools fast5tools 0.3.1 phylogenetics, biology
fasta FASTA 34.26.5, 36.3.6d biology, genomics
fastai fastai 2.1.5, 2.6.3, 2.7.10 Machine_Learning
fastani FastANI 1.1, 1.34 phylogenetics
fastchaos fastchaos 0.1.0 sequencing
fastgear FastGEAR 20161216 biology, genomics
fastix Fastix 0.1.0 biology, ngs
fastme r8s 1.8 phylogenetics
fastml FastML 3.0 biology, phylogenetics
fastp Fastp 0.20.0, 0.22.0, 0.23.4 biology, ngs
fastphase FASTphase 1.4.8 phylogenetics
fastplast FastPlast 1.2.8 phylogenetics
fastq-pair fastq-pair 1.0 phylogenetics
fastq-screen FastQ-Screen 0.14.0 phylogenetics
fastq-tools Fastq-tools 0.8 biology, ngs
fastqc FastQC 0.11.7, 0.12.1, 0.9.6 biology, ngs
fastqpuri FastqPuri 1.0.7 phylogenetics
fastqtl FastQTL 2.184 phylogenetics
fastral-constrained FASTRAL-constrained 20211108 phylogenetics
fastsimcoal2 fastsimcoal, biology, phylogenetics
fastspar FastSpar 0.0.4 biology, genomics
faststructure fastStructure 20150112, 20240221 biology, genomics
fasttree FastTree 2.1.11 biology, phylogenetics
fastuniq FastUniq 1.1 biology, phylogenetics
fastv fastv 0.10.0 bioinformatics, sequencing
fastx_toolkit Fastx Toolkit, 0.0.14 biology, ngs
fcgene fcGENE 1.0.7, biology, genomics, variant_calling
fdstools FDSTools 1.2.0 phylogenetics
fdupes fdupes 1.51 file_management
febio febio 2.9.1 biomechanics
feelnc FEELnc 0.1.1 phylogenetics
feh feh 3.9.1 utility, image_processing
fenics FEniCS 2018.1.0 biology, phylogenetics
ferret Ferret 6.82 visualization, geospatial, climate
ffmpeg FFmpeg 4.3.1, n6.1, n7.2 audio, visualization
fftw FFTW 3.3.6, 3.3.7, 3.3.8 library, compiler, math
fgbio fgbio 0.5.0, 0.7.0 phylogenetics
fgmp FGMP 1.0.1 phylogenetics
fgtpartitioner FGTPartitioner 1.0.1 genomics
figaro FIGARO 1.1.2 phylogenetics
fiji Fiji 2.0.0rc59 image_processing
fiji-birds BIRDS 1.0 workflow_automation, utility, imaging
filtlong Filtlong 0.2.0 biology, phylogenetics
finder Finder 20210503, 20210609 biology, search
finemap finemap 1.4 phylogenetics
fineradstructure fineRADstructure 0.3.2 phylogenetics
finesse finesse 2.3.1 simulation
finestructure r8s 1.8 phylogenetics
firefox Firefox 1.0 linux, web
fit-sne fit-sne 1.2.1 phylogenetics
flair FLAIR 1.5, 2.0 genomics
flairnlp flairNLP 0.10 visualization, language
flappie flappie 1.1.0, 2.1.3 phylogenetics
flash FLASh 1.2.10, 1.2.11 biology, genomics
flea FLEA 2.0.0 phylogenetics
flex flex 2.6.4 programming
flexbar Flexbar 2.3, 2.34, 3.5.0 biology, genomics, ngs
flexlm FLEXLm 1.0 utility
flopp flopp 0.2.0 genomics
flowcraft FlowCraft 1.4.1 phylogenetics
fluent Fluent 17.2, 19.1, 2020R1 fluid_dynamics
flye Flye 2.9.1, 2.9.2, 2.9.3 biology, ngs
fmriprep fMRIPrep 20.2.3, 23.1.3, 23.1.4 data_mining
foldseek foldseek 9.427df8a bioinformatics
forecasting forecasting 0.10.3 Machine_Learning, Data_Science
foreseqs ForeSeqs 1.0.4 phylogenetics
forwardgenomics forwardgenomics 1.0 phylogenetics
fpc Pascal 3.0.0 compiler, programming
fpocket fpocket 4.0.2 sequencing, biology
fqtools fqtools 20160224 biology, ngs, sequencing
fraggenescan FragGeneScan 1.16 biology, genomics
frama FRAMA 20151019 biology
framedp FrameDP 1.2.2 biology, sequencing
fraposa FRAPOSA 20200421 phylogenetics
freebayes FreeBayes 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.7 biology, genomics
freecad freecad 0.20.2 modeling
freesasa freesasa 2.1.2 molecular_dynamics, biology
freesurfer Freesurfer 7.2.0, 7.3.2, 7.4.1 biology, neuroscience, imaging
freyja Freyja 1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.8 biology, phylogenetics, sequencing
fsa FSA 1.15.9 phylogenetics
fsl FSL 6.0.4, 6.0.5, 6.0.6 biology, neuroscience, imaging
fslmrs fslmrs 1.1.10 spectroscopy, metabolomics
funannotate funannotate 1.8.5, 1.8.7, 1.8.9 phylogenetics
fungani fungani 0.1.0 Phylogenetics
fusion_twas fusion_twas 20210218 phylogenetics
fzf FZF 0.60.0 biology, genomics
gal GAL 20180906 biology, genomics, annotation
galaxyml galaxyml 0.10.0 library, machine_learning
galaxytools Galaxy 1.0 biology
gaml GAML 20150610 biology, genomics, assembly
gapcloser GapCloser 1.12r6 biology, genomics, ngs
gapfiller GapFiller 1.10, 1.11 biology, genomics
gapseq gapseq 1.2 chemistry, biology
garfield garfield 2 genomics
garli GARLI 2.0, 2.01 biology, phylogenetics
gasvpro GASVPro 201310 biology, ngs
gate GATE 7.0 library
gatk GATK,, biology, ngs
gaussian Gaussian 09 D.01, 16, 16-c02 chemistry
gawk Gawk 4.2.0 utility
gblocks Gblocks 0.91b biology, alignment
gcc GCC 7.3.0, 8.2.0, 9.3.0 compiler
gce GCE 1.0.2 biology, genomics
gcloud gcloud 471.0.0 cloud, google, cli
gcnenv gcnenv 1.13 library, math
gct GCT 6.2.1 file_management, utility
gcta GCTA 1.92.4beta, 1.93.2beta, 1.94.3 biology, genomics, variant_calling
gdal GDAL 2.3.1, 3.7.0, 3.9.0 geospatial, library
gdb GDB 8.3, 9.2 programming
gdc-client GDC-Client 1.0.1, 1.5.0 biology, sequencing, ngs
gdrive GDrive 2.1.0 utility, file_management
gdsl GDSL 1.18 library
geant4 Geant4 4.10, 4.10.03, 4.10.5 physics
gem GEM 20130406 biology, ngs, sequencing
gem5 gem5 2.0 simulation
gemma GEMMA 0.98.1, 0.98.5 biology, genomics
gemma_llm gemma_llm 1 library, math
genbank_tools NCBI GenBank Tools 20140130 biology
genblastg genblastg 1.39 biology, genomics
genemark_es GeneMark-ES 4.68, 4.69, 4.71 biology, genomics
genemark_s GeneMarkS 2012.04, 3.10.001 biology, genomics
genepainter GenePainter 2.0.4 biology, phylogenetics
generax GeneRax 1.2.2 phylogenetics
geneseqer GeneSeqer 2014-02-26 biology, genomics
genesis genesis 2.1.2, 2.1.2-cpu, 2.1.4 Physics
genesum genesum 0.1.0 biology, genomics
genetorrent GeneTorrent 3.8.7 biology, file_management
genewalk genewalk 1.5.3 biology, genomics, annotation
gengen GenGen 1.0.1 biology, phylogenetics
genmap genmap v1.3.0 Gene mapping, biology
genomad geNomad 1.5.1 biology, genomics
genome_graph_annotation Genome_Graph_Annotation 20190131 phylogenetics
genomescope2 GenomeScope2 2.0 phylogenetics
genomestrip Genome STRiP 2.00.1602 biology, genomics, ngs
genomethreader GenomeThreader 1.7.3 phylogenetics
genometools GenomeTools 1.5.7, 1.5.9 biology
genomic-fluidity genomic-fluidity 20151109 phylogenetics
genomic-neuralnet GenomicNeuralnet 20161030 phylogenetics
genomicconsensus GenomicConsensus 2.3.3 biology, phylogenetics
genomictools GenomicTools 2.7.0 biology, ngs, chip-seq, rna-seq
genotypeharmonizer GenotypeHarmonizer 1.4.18 biology
genrich Genrich 0.5 phylogenetics
gensel GenSel 4.90 genomics
geomxngspipeline geomxngspipeline NGS
geopython geopython 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2 programming, geospatial
geos GEOS 3.3.8, 3.6.2 library, data_science
gep GeP 2.1 biology, phylogenetics
gepard gepard 1.40.0, 2.1.0 phylogenetics
gephi Gephi 0.10.0 visualization, image_processing
gerbil Gerbil 1.11 phylogenetics
get_homologues get_homologues 3.3.3 biology, genomics
getorganelle GetOrganelle, phylogenetics
gfam GFam 1.1 biology, genomics, annotation
gfatools GFATools 0.5 bioinformatics
gff-ex GFF-Ex 2.3 phylogenetics
gff3toolkit GFF3toolkit 2.0.3 phylogenetics
gffcompare gffcompare 0.12.2 phylogenetics
gffread gffread 0.11.8, 0.12.7, 0.9.8c biology
gflags Gflags 2.2.1, 20150520 web, library
gfold GFOLD 1.1.4 biology, rna-seq
ggsashimi ggsashimi 0.5.0 phylogenetics
ghost-mp GHOST-MP 1.3.4 phylogenetics
ghostscript Ghostscript 9.22 documentation
giggle giggle 20221212 Genomics
gimmemotifs Gimmemotifs 0.18.0 biology, genetics
giotto Giotto 0.1.0 phylogenetics
giraf giraf 1.02 sequencing, biology
git Git 2.14.1, 2.30.1 revision_control
git-filter-repo git-filter-repo 2.33.0 phylogenetics
github-cli Github Cli 2.40.1 revision_control
gkeyll Gkeyll 2.0 Plasma Physics
glactools glactools 1.0.8 phylogenetics
glimmer Glimmer 3.02 biology, annotation
glimmerhmm GlimmerHMM 3.0.4 biology, annotation
glmsingle GLMsingle 1.0 imaging
glnexus glnexus 1.4.1 programming
globus Globus 2.1.3, 3.13.0, 3.18.0 file_management
glog glog 0.3.5 web, library
glpk GLPK 4.55, 4.65 programming
glueviz Glueviz 0.15.2 phylogenetics
gmap GMAP 20180212, 20180212_sse2, 20190610 biology, genomics, ngs
gmcloser GMcloser 1.6 biology, ngs
gmp GMP 6.1.2, 6.3.0 library
gmt Generic Mapping Tools 6.4.0 physics, biology
gnuastro gnuastro 0.21 astronomy
gnuplot GnuPlot 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.4.1 graphics, math
go Go 1.15.4, 1.18.3, 1.21.0 programming, language
goatools goatools 1.2.3 biology, ontology
gomap GOMAP 1.3, 1.4 biology, ngs
gophy GoPHY 201030 phylogenetics
gosling Gosling 0.2.2 genomics, visualization
gotcloud gotcloud 1.17.5 phylogenetics
gpa GPA 1.1 phylogenetics
gphocs GPhoCS 1.2.3 phylogenetics
gptl gptl 20140212, 8.1.1 utility
gpufit Gpufit 20201127 phylogenetics
grace Grace 5.1.22 graphics, statistics
grackle GRACKLE 3.1, 3.2.1 library, compiler, astronomy
grads GrADS 2.0.1 geospatial, math
graftm Graftm 0.12.2 phylogenetics
gramcluster GramCluster 1.3 biology, sequencing
graph-tool graph-tool 2.32 phylogenetics
graph_annotation Graph_annotation 0.1 phylogenetics
graphaligner graphaligner 1.0.11, 1.0.16 genomics
graphlan GraPhlAn 1.1.3 phylogenetics
graphmap2 GraphMap2 0.6.5 phylogenetics
graphmb GRAPHMB 0.2.5 biology, genomics
graphsplitting GraphSplitting 2.4 phylogenetics
graphtyper graphtyper 2.7.2 phylogenetics
graphviz GraphViz 2.38.0, 2.46.1 biology, neuroscience, imaging
grass GRASS 7.0, 7.4 geospatial
grf grf 1.0.0 genomics
grib_api Grib_api 1.10.1, 1.15.1, 1.26.1 compiler, library
gridss GRIDSS 2.6.2 phylogenetics
grocsvs GROCSVs 0.2.5 phylogenetics
gromacs GROMACS 2021.4, 2023.2, 2024.4 chemistry, molecular_dynamics
groopm GroopM 0.3.5 biology, phylogenetics
groovy Groovy 2.4.15 programming
gscripts Gscripts 1.1 biology
gsea GSEA 4.2.2 biology, genomics
gsl GSL 2.6, 2.7, 2.7.1 library, data_science
gsnp GSNP 1.0 biology, ngs
gsp gsp 05192017 biology
gtahunter GTAHunter 20200106 phylogenetics
gtdbtk GTDBTk 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.3.2 phylogenetics
gtool GTOOL 0.7.5 phylogenetics
guava GUAVA 1.0 phylogenetics
gubbins Gubbins 2.4.1, 3.2.1, 3.3.0 phylogenetics
guideseq guideseq 1.0.2 sequencing, genomics, biology, data_science
guile guile 2.2.2 programming
gulp GULP 4.4, 5.0 material_science
guppy guppy 6.1.7, 6.4.2, 6.4.3 phylogenetics
gurobi Gurobi 10.0.0, 11.0.1, 9.5.1 math, programming
gwama GWAMA 2.2.2 phylogenetics
gzip Gzip 1.10 compression
hacdivsel hacdivsel 1.4.1 genomics, biology
hail Hail 0.2.130, 0.2.77 biology, genomics
hal hal 2.1 phylogenetics
halc HALC 1.1 biology, phylogenetics
halla halla 0.8.17 phylogenetics
hamstr HaMStR 13.2.3, 13.2.4, v8b biology, genomics
hapbin hapbin 1.3.0 biology, genomics
hapcompass HapCompass 0.7.7 imaging, ngs, genomics
hapcut HAPCUT 0.7 biology, assembly
hapcut2 HapCUT2 1.3.3 biology, genomics, sequencing
hapdup hapdup 0.6 phylogenetics, biology
haphpipe haphpipe 1.0.3 phylogenetics, biology
haploflow Haploflow 0.1 biology, phylogenetics
haplomerger2 Haplomerger2 20180603 biology, genomics
haplosweep HAPLOSWEEP 1.0 biology, phylogenetics
happy happy 0.3.14 phylogenetics, biology
hapqtl hapQTL 1.00 biology
hapsembler hapsembler 2.21 biology, assembly
harvesttools harvesttools 1.2 phylogenetics, biology
haslr HASLR 0.8a1 phylogenetics
hclust2 hclust2 1.0.0 statistics, mapping
hdf4 HDF4 4.2.11 library, data_science
hdf5 HDF5 1.8.19, 1.8.20, 1.8.9 library, data_science
hecaton hecaton 0.5.1 genomics, biology
helen HELEN 20200516 phylogenetics
helitronscanner HelitronScanner 1.1 phylogenetics
helixer helixer 0.3.3 Genomics
herro herro 0.1.0 Genomics
hgraph2graph hgraph2graph 20210428 chemistry
hgtector hgtector 2.0 biology, sequencing
hhsuite hhsuite 3.3.0 nan
hi-corrector Hi-Corrector 1.2 biology, ngs, sequencing
hic-lift hic-lift 06112023 genomics
hic-pro HiC-Pro 3.0.0 biology, pipeline, genomics
hicpro HiC-Pro 3.1.0 HiC
hifiasm Hifiasm 0.19.9, 0.4, 0.8 phylogenetics
hificnv Hificnv 0.1.7 biology, genomics, ngs
hillerlab hillerlab 20240819 phylogenetics
hiphase hiphase 1.4.0 biology, ngs
hipstr HipSTR 0.7 phylogenetics
hisat2 HISAT2 2.2.1, 2.2.1-3n, 20230203 biology, alignment, ngs
hivtrace hivtrace 1.5.0 biology,alignment
hlaminer HLAminer 1.3.1, 1.4 biology, phylogenetics
hmm-frame HMM-FRAME 20140724 phylogenetics
hmmcleaner HmmCleaner 0.180750 phylogenetics
hmmer HMMER 3.2.1, 3.3.2, 3.4 biology, genomics
hmmer2go hmmer2go 0.18.1 phylogenetics, biology
hmmratac HMMRATAC 1.2.10 phylogenetics
hocort HoCoRT 1.2.2 RNA-Seq, QC
homer HOMER 4.11, 4.8, 5.1 biology, sequencing, ngs
homopolish homopolish 0.3.3, 0.4.1 biology
hoomd HOOMD 2.1.7 library, math
hpl HPL 2.1, 2.3 programming, performance_analysis
hpsandbox hpsandbox 1.0.0 Programming
htmldoc HTMLDoc 1.8.28, 1.9.3 documentation, web
htseq HTSeq 0.11.2, 2.0.3 biology, ngs
humann HUMAnN 2.8.1, 3.8 sequencing, biology
humann2 humann2 0.11.2, 2.8.1 phylogenetics
hxtorch hxtorch 0.8 imaging
hyb hyb 20141126, 20200815 biology, ngs, rna-seq
hybkit hybkit 0.3.4, 0.3.5, 0.3.6 biology
hybpiper HybPiper 2.1.5, 2.1.6, 2.3.0 biology, phylogenetics
hyde HyDe 0.4.3 phylogenetics
hylight hylight 1.0.0 biology, genomics, assembly
hylite hylite 2.0.2 genomics, biology
hypergen Hyper-Gen 0.1.0 Programming
hyphy HyPhy 2.5.4, 2.5.7, 2.5.8 biology, genomics
hypre HYPRE 2.15.1, 2.18.2, 2.19.0 math
iannotatesv iAnnotateSV 1.0.6, 1.0.9 biology, phylogenetics
iaps iaps 02012023 programming
iassembler iAssembler 1.3.2 biology, assembly
ibdmix IBDmix 1.0.1 biology
ibdne ibdne 20150815 biology, ngs
icommands icommands 3.3.1 utility
idba-mt IDBA-MT 1.0 biology, ngs
idba-ud IDBA-UD 1.1.1, 1.1.1-512, 1.1.1-512-mem genomics, phylogenetics
idl IDL 8.3 language, programming, data_science
idr IDR 2.0.3 phylogenetics
igb IGB 8.4.1 biology, genomics
igblast igBLAST 1.5.0, 1.7.0 biology
igor IGoR 1.4.0 phylogenetics
igtp iGTP 1.1 biology, phylogenetics
igv IGV 2.3.91, 2.4.16, 2.8.6 biology, ngs, phylogenetics
illumina-utils illumina-utils 2.11 phylogenetics
illumiprocessor Illumiprocessor 2.0.9 phylogenetics
ima IM and IMa 20091217 biology, genomics
ima2 Ima2 20120827 biology, genomics
ima2p IMa2p 20170712 biology, phylogenetics
ima3 IMA3 22Aug18 molecular_dynamics
imagej ImageJ 1.48 imaging
imagej2 imagej2 09302022 image processing, imaging
imagemagick ImageMagick 7.0.8-20 imaging
imaginaire Imaginaire 20201229 imaging, visualization, ai, machine_learning
imod IMOD 4.7.15, 4.9.10 image_processing
imoka imoka 1.0 biology, genomics
impg impg 0.1.0 biology, alignment
impi Intel MPI 5.1.1 programming, library
impute2 IMPUTE2 2.3.2 phylogenetics
impute5 IMPUTE5 1.1.5, 1.2.0 biology, math
indelible INDELible 1.03 phylogenetics
infernal Infernal 1.1.1, 1.1.4 biology, alignment
inla INLA 20160718, 20170620 statistics, modeling, programming
inparanoid InParanoid 4.1 biology
inspector Inspector 1.0.2 biology, genomics
instruct InStruct 20160723 phylogenetics
intel Intel Compilers and Libraries 2023.0.0, 2023.2.0, 2024.1.0 language, programming, library, math, compiler
intervene intervene 0.6.2 biology, phylogenetics
intrasom Intrasom 1.0 python
ioapi IOAPI 3.1, 3.2 climate
ipopt IPOPT 3.12.10, 3.12.6 library, compiler, math
iprscan InterProScan 5.68, 5.69, 5.72 biology
ipyrad ipyrad 0.9.102, 0.9.53, 0.9.94 phylogenetics
iq-tree IQ-TREE, 2.3.2, 2.3.6 biology, phylogenetics
irap IRAP 0.8.1p7 biology, ngs
irep irep 1.10 biology, genomics
irfinder IRFinder 1.2.0, 1.3.0, 1.3.1 biology, rna-seq
isce2 isce2 2.6.3 library
isce3 ISCE3 0.23.0 library
isonclust isONclust 0.0.6 phylogenetics
isonclust2 isonclust2 2.3 rna-seq
isosel IsoSel 1.0 phylogenetics
isoseq3 IsoSeq3 3.7.0, 3.8.2, 4.0.0 biology, ngs
isown ISOWN 20180820 phylogenetics
ispcr isPcr 3.3 biology, phylogenetics
itk ITK 3.20.1, 4.10.1 biology
itksnap ITK-SNAP 3.0.0, 3.8.0 biology, neuroscience, imaging
itsx ITSx 1.1b phylogenetics
iupred2a iupred2a 1.0 biology
iva IVA 1.0.11 phylogenetics
ivar iVar 1.3.1, 1.4.2 biology
jabba Jabba 1.0 biology, phylogenetics
jacusa JACUSA 1.2.0 biology, ngs, phylogenetics
jags JAGS 3.3.0, 3.4.0, 4.2.0 statistics
janus janus 20240412 biology
japsa npScarf 1.7 phylogenetics
jasmine Jasmine 1.1.4 phylogenetics
jasp jasp 0.14.3 statistics
jasper jasper 1.0.4 biology
java JDK 20, 23, 9.0.1 programming
jbrowse2 jbrowse2 1.7.4 web
jcvi JCVI 0.8.12, 1.0.13, 1.2.10 phylogenetics
jdftx JAGS 1.7.0 statistics
je Je 1.0 biology, ngs
jellyfish Jellyfish 2.2.4, 2.2.6, 2.3.0 biology, ngs
jmodeltest jModelTest 2.1.1 biology, genomics, phylogenetics
jo jo 1.3 utility
jq jq 1.6 utility
juicer juicer 1.22.01, 2.0 genomics
julia Julia 1.7.3, 1.8.2, 1.9.2 programming, language, statistics
jupyter Jupyter 6.2.0, 6.5.2, 6.5.4 programming
jutils jutils 1.0 genomics, biology
jvarkit JVARKIT 20180405 biology, phylogenetics
kaiju Kaiju 1.6.2, 1.7.2 biology, phylogenetics
kaks KaKs 1.2, 2.0 biology, genomics, phylogenetics
kalign Kalign 3.3.1 biology, sequencing, alignment
kallisto kallisto 0.46.2, 0.48.0, 0.50.1 biology, ngs, rna-seq
khmer khmer 2.0, 2.1 biology, ngs
kim KIM 1.7.2, 1.8.2, 1.9.3 simulation
king KING 2.1.2, 2.3.0 biology, genomics
kissplice KisSplice 2.4.0-p1 biology, RNA
klayout KLayout 0.26.7 phylogenetics
kma kma 20230106 alignment
kmc KMC 3.1.0, 3.1.1, 3.2.1 phylogenetics
kmerdb kmerdb 1.9.2 genomics, biology
kmerfreq kmerfreq 4.0 biology, genomics
kmos KMOS 0.3.21 phylogenetics
kneaddata kneaddata 0.12.0, 0.7.4, 0.9.0 phylogenetics
knime knime 4.7.3 data science
knitro Knitro 12.2.0 math
kofamscan KofamScan 1.3.0 phylogenetics
kover kover 2.0.3 phylogenetics
kraken Kraken 2.0.8b, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 biology, ngs
krakentools KrakenTools 1.2 biology, ngs
krakenuniq KrakenUniq 0.5.8, 0.7.3, 1.0.4 phylogenetics
krona Krona 2.8.1, 20161019 biology
ksnp ksnp 3.021, 4.0 biology, phylogenetics, variant_calling
ksrates Ksrates 1.1.1 genomics, biology
kvarq kvarq 0.12.2 biology
lachesis LACHESIS 2.1 phylogenetics
lambda Lambda 0.9.4, 1.0.3, 2.0.0 biology, sequencing, phylogenetics
lammps LAMMPS 30Jul16, 7Aug19, 7Dec15 molecular_dynamics
lammps-ppa LAMMPS-PPA 23Jun2022 molecular Dynamics
lamp LAMP 2.5 biology, genomics
laneta laneta 20220517, 20220808, 20220812 biology
langdetect langdetect 1.0.9 language, utility
lapack LAPACK 3.11.0, 3.8.0 programming, library, compiler
last Last 916, 979 biology, sequencing, alignment
lastools LAStools 20200114 image_processing
lastz LASTZ 1.02.00, 1.03.02, 1.04.00 biology, ngs
lazypipe Lazypipe 1.2 genomics
lazypredict LazyPredict 0.2.8 phylogenetics
lbzip lbzip 2.5 compression
lcmodel LCModel 6.3 biology, spectroscopy
ldak ldak 5.2 phylogenetics, biology
ldblockshow ldblockshow 1.40 biology
ldhat LDhat 2.2a biology, genomics
ldsc ldsc 1.0.1 genomics, biology
leafaudio leafaudio 0.1.0 machine_learning, audio
lefse LEfSe 20180219 phylogenetics
lfmm LFMM 1.4, 1.5 biology, phylogenetics
libchartdir ChartDirector 5.1.0 library, data_science
libgfortran libgfortran 3.0.0 programming
libint Libint 2.5.0, 2.5.0b library
liblemon LEMON 1.2.3 library
libmesh libMesh 1.5.0 math
libunistring libunistring 0.9.7 library
libvips libvips 8.5.4 image_processing
libxc LIBXC 4.3.4, 6.2.2, 7.0.0 library, math
libxsmm LIBXSMM 1.13 library, compiler, math
libzmq LIBZMQ 4.3.1 library
liftoff Liftoff 1.4.2, 1.6.2 phylogenetics
lighter Lighter 1.1.3 genome
ligr LIGR 2.05 biology, assembly
lillymol LillyMol 6.1 nan
lima lima 2.0.0, 2.2.0, 2.7.1 phylogenetics
lingua lingua 1.0.1 language, utility
links LINKS 1.8.5, 1.8.6 biology, genomics
linksbrowser Linksbrowser 2.14 web
liqa LIQA 1.0.0, 1.1.16 phylogenetics
llama llama-alex 2, 3, alex library, math
llama-3.1-70b-instruct-nim llama-3.1-70b-instruct 1.3.3 LLMs
llama-3.1-8b-instruct-nim llama-3.1-8b-instruct 1.8.0 LLMs
llava llava 1.6 Machine Learning
lmap LMAP 1.0.2 biology, phylogenetics
lncscore lncScore 1.0.2 biology, phylogenetics
lobstr lobSTR 4.0.6 biology, phylogenetics
localbrainage localbrainage 20210415 biology, machine_learning
localizer localizer 1.0.4, 1.0.5 phylogenetics
locuszoom LocusZoom 1.4 phylogenetics
lofreq LoFreq phylogenetics
longqc LongQC 1.2.0c phylogenetics
longranger LongRanger 2.1.5, 2.2.2 biology, phylogenetics
longshot longshot 0.4.5 genomics
longstitch LongStitch 1.0.3 genomics, biology
lordec LoRDEC 0.9 phylogenetics
lorma LoRMA 0.3, 0.5 biology, ngs
loter loter 1.0 genomics,
lrbinner LRBinner 0.1 biology, genomics
lrgapcloser lrgapcloser 09042018 biology
ls-dyna LS-DYNA 700, 711, 901 physics
lsd2 LSD2 1.6.5 phylogenetics
ltr_finder ltr_finder 1.07 biology, phylogenetics
ltrretriever LTRRetriever 2.1, 2.5, 2.9.0 biology, phylogenetics
lua Lua 5.3.2, 5.3.4, 5.4.6 programming, language
lumpy lumpy-sv 0.2.1, 0.2.13, 0.3.1 biology, genomics
lzo LZO 2.09 library, compression
m5tools M5nr 20121126 biology, genomics
macaulay2 Macaulay2 1.15 phylogenetics
mach MACH 1.0.18 biology, genomics, ngs
mach2vcf Mach2VCF 20150515 biology
macrel Macrel 1.3.0 biology, genomics
macs MACS 2.0.10, 2.1.2, biology, chip-seq
maestro Schrodinger Maestro 2024-1 chemistry, molecular_dynamics
maffilter MafFilter 1.3.0 phylogenetics
mafft MAFFT 7.490, 7.505, 7.520 biology, sequencing
mageck MAGeCK phylogenetics
mageck-vispr MAGeCK-VISPR 0.5.6 phylogenetics
mageckflute MAGeCKFlute 1.14.0 phylogenetics
magenta Magenta 2.1.2 phylogenetics
magicblast magicblast 1.6.0 genomics, biology
magma-gwas MAGMA-GWAS 1.09 phylogenetics
magpurify magpurify 2.1.2 genomics
magus magus 20220121 sequencing, alignment
majiq MAJIQ 2.2, 2.3, 2.5.7 phylogenetics
maker Maker 2.31.10, 2.31.6, 3.01.03 biology
manorm MAnorm 20120316 biology, phylogenetics
manta MANTA 1.6.0 phylogenetics
mantis mantis 1.0.4 phylogenetics
mapclassify mapclassify 2.4.2 statistics, mapping, geospatial
mapdamage mapdamage 2.2.1 ngs, sequencing, biology
mapthin MapThin 1.11 phylogenetics
maq Maq 0.7.1 biology, ngs
marginpolish MarginPolish 1.0.0 phylogenetics
mark MARK 2.0.1 data_science, math
markerminer MarkerMiner 20150710 biology, genomics
mash Mash 1.1, 2.3 biology, genomics
mashmap MasHmap 2.0 phylogenetics
mashtree mashtree 1.2.0 genomics, biology
maskrc-svg maskrc-svg 0.5 genomics
mass MASS 1.1.1 genomics, biology
massmine MASSMINE 0.10.0, 0.11.0, 0.9.5 data_mining
masurca MaSuRCA 4.0.8, 4.0.9, 4.1.0 biology, alignment
mathematica Mathematica 13.1, 14.0 math
matlab MATLAB 2023b, 2024a, 2024b math, language
mats MATS 4.0.2, 4.1.0, 4.2.0 biology, ngs, rna-seq
matt matt 1.3.1 nan
mauve Mauve 2.3.1 biology, ngs, genomics
mawk mawk 1.3.4-20150503 language
maxbin maxbin 2.1.1 biology, ngs
maxima Maxima 5.41.0 math
mc MC 4.6.1 shell
mcarts mCarts 1.0.2 biology, genomics, math
mccortex mccortex 1.0 phylogenetics
mcfost mcfost 4.1.07 astronomy
mcl MCL 12-135, 14-137 biology, genomics
mcnp MCNP 6, 6.1, 6.3.0 physics
mcnpx MCNPX 2.7.0 physics
mcr MCR 2020a, 2020b, 2023b math, language
mcscanx MCScanX 20130328 biology, phylogenetics
mdanalysis mdanalysis 1.1.1 physics, biology
mecat MECAT 20180308 phylogenetics
medaka Medaka 1.7.2, 1.8.0, 2.0 biology, phylogenetics
medusa Medusa 1.6 phylogenetics
mega MEGA 11.0.13, 7.0.26 biology, phylogenetics
mega2 Mega2 4.9.2, 6.0.0 biology, phylogenetics
megahit MEGAHIT 1.1.1, 1.1.4, 1.2.9 biology, phylogenetics
megalodon Megalodon 2.0.0, 2.4.1 ngs, genomics
megan MEGAN 6.23.4, 6.25.9, 6.4.15 biology, ngs
megasat MEGASAT 1.0 phylogenetics
megraft Megraft 1.0.2 biology, sequencing
meld MELD 0.4.19, 0.5.0, 0.5.9 chemistry, molecular_dynamics
melting MELTING 4.3.1 biology, genomics, rna
meme MEME 5.0.2, 5.0.5, 5.4.1 biology, sequencing
mentalist MentaLiST 0.1.3 biology, phylogenetics
meraculous Meraculous 2.0.5 biology, ngs
mercurial Mercurial 4.8.2 revision_control
merge_peaks merge_peaks 0.1.0 workflow_automation
merlin Merlin 1.1.2 biology, variant_calling
merqury Merqury 1.1, 1.3 phylogenetics
meryl Meryl 1.0 phylogenetics
meshclust MeShClust 1.2.0 biology
meshroom Meshroom 2019.2.0 phylogenetics
meson Meson 1.2.3 biology, ngs, sequencing
met MET 10.0 climate, modeling
meta-marc Meta-Marc 1.0.0 phylogenetics
meta-tissue Meta-Tissue 0.4 biology, genomics
metabat MetaBAT 0.32.4, 2.13 biology, genomics
metabcc_lr MetaBCC-LR 2.0.0 biology, genomics
metabin Metabin 1.0 genomics
metabolic metabolic 4.0 phylogenetics
metacherchant MetaCherchant 0.1.0 biology, phylogenetics
metacluster MetaCluster 5.0b biology, genomics
metacompare MetaCompare 20181016 phylogenetics
metacompass metacompass 2.0-beta biology, metagenomics, assembly
metacrast metacrast 20200309 phylogenetics
metaeuk Metaeuk 6.0 phylogenetics
metagenemark MetaGeneMark 2.10, 3.26 biology, genomics
metal METAL 20110325 biology, ngs, genomics
metalaffa MetaLAFFA 1.0.0 phylogenetics
metamaps MetaMaps 20201207 phylogenetics
metamdbg metamdbg 1.1 biology, genomics, assembly
metannot METANNOT 20171129 phylogenetics
metaphlan Metaphlan 4.0.6, 4.1.0, 4.1.1 phylogenetics
metaphlan2 MetaPhlAn2 2.7.7, 2.96.1, 3.0.3 biology, phylogenetics
metaphysicl MetaPhysicl 1.0.0 math, astronomy, simulation
metashape Metashape 1.8.4, 2.1.1 nan
metasv MetaSV 0.5.4 biology, phylogenetics, ngs
metavelvet MetaVelvet 1.2.06 biology, genomics
metawrap metaWRAP 1.2 phylogenetics
metaxa2 Metaxa2 2.1.1, 2.1.3, 2.2.3 biology, ngs, sequencing
methylartist methylartist 1.3.0 biology
methyldackel MethylDackel 0.5.0, 0.6.1 phylogenetics
methylpy methylpy 1.2.9 biology, phylogenetics
metilene Metilene 0.2.8 biology, genomics, methylation
metis METIS 5.1.0, 5.2.1 utility
mfannot Mfannot 20180405 biology, phylogenetics
mfold mfold 3.6 biology, structure, rna
mg-rast mg-rast 20150919 biology, genomics
mgefinder MGEfinder 1.0.5 phylogenetics
mgert MGERT 1.0.1 phylogenetics
mgescan MGEScan 20160416 biology, genomics
mgltools MGLTools 1.5.7 biology, visualization
mgs2amr Mgs2amr 2.0.1 genomics
mhap MHAP 1.6 biology, sequencing
mhcflurry MHCflurry 1.4.3 phylogenetics
mia MIA 20130201 biology, ngs
miaplpy miaplpy 0.2.1 geospatial
micop micop 03312022 genomics
microbeannotator MicrobeAnnotator 2.0.5 annotation, biology
midas MIDAS 1.3.2, 20160830 biology, phylogenetics
migraten MIGRATE-N 4.2.14, 4.4.4, 5.0.4 biology, genomics
mikado Mikado 2.3.3 biology, genomics, sequencing, pipeline
mike MIKE 1.0 geospatial, fluid_dynamics, modeling
milvus milvus 2.4.15, 2.5.4 database, llm, container
minced Minced 0.2.0 biology, genomics
minia Minia 3.2.6 genomics, biology
miniasm Miniasm 0.2-r168, 0.3-r179 biology, phylogenetics
minicaller MiniCaller 20161201 biology, ngs, phylogenetics
minigraph minigraph 0.15, 0.20 phylogenetics
minimac minimac 1-20130717, 2-20140915, 3-20150727 biology, genomics
minimap minimap 2.21, 2.9-r720, biology, phylogenetics
minimap2 minimap2 2.24, 2.28 genomics, biology
minipolish Minipolish 0.1.3 biology, genomics
miniprot Miniprot 0.12 biology, genomics
miniwdl miniwdl 1.11.1 bioinfomatics
minkowskiengine MinkowskiEngine 0.5.3, 0.5.4a machine_learning
minpath MinPath 1.4 biology, phylogenetics
mira MIRA 4.0.rc1, 4.9.6, 5rc2 biology, genomics, assembly
miranda miRanda 1.9 phylogenetics
mirbshunter miRBShunter 0.2 phylogenetics
mirdeep mirdeep 0.1.0, 0.1.1, phylogenetics
mirdp2 miRDP2 1.1.4 biology, genomics
mireap Mireap 0.20 biology
mirge miRge 2.0 phylogenetics
misa Misa 1.0 biology, genomics
miso MISO 0.5.3 biology, ngs, sequencing, rna-seq
mistral mistral 0.1.5 library, math
mite-hunter MITE-Hunter 20111101 biology, phylogenetics
mitobim MITObim 1.9.1 phylogenetics
mitofinder MitoFinder 1.4.1 phylogenetics
mitohifi mitohifi 2.2, 3.2 genomics, sequencing
mitophast MitoPhAST 3.0 phylogenetics
mitos Mitos 2.1.9 biology, phylogenetics
mitsuba2 Mitsuba2 2.2.1 graphics
mixcr MiXCR 2.1.8, 3.0.13 biology, phylogenetics
mixmhc2pred MixMHC2pred 1.2 phylogenetics
mixmhcpred MixMHCpred 2.0.2 phylogenetics
mixmogam mixmogam 20190322 phylogenetics
mkl Intel Compilers and Libraries 2019.1.144, 2020.0.166, 2020.2.0 language, programming, library, math, compiler
mlcoalsim mlcoalsim 1.9916b biology, phylogenetics
mlpack mlpack 3.4.2 library
mlst mlst 2.15.2, 2.23.0 phylogenetics
mlst-check mlstcheck 2.1 phylogenetics
mmaction2 mmaction2 1.0.0 Machine_Learning, Visualization
mmseq MMSEQ 1.0.8 biology, genomics
mmseqs2 MMseqs2 11, 12, 14 phylogenetics
mmvec MMvec 1.0.5, 1.0.6 metabolomics
mnetools MNEtools 0.22.0, 1.3.1, 1.4.0 phylogenetics
moabs MOABS 1.2.9, 1.3.2, 1.3.4 biology, ngs
mobsuite mobsuite 3.1.0, 3.1.9 sequencing, biology
moccasin MOCCASIN 0.25 phylogenetics
moco moco 0.4.0 modeling, tools
model_card_toolkit Model Card Toolkit 2.0.0 Machine_Learning, Utility, Workflow_automation
modeller MODELLER 9.14, 9.23 biology, modeling, structure
modeltest MODELTEST 0.1.2, 0.1.7 biology, phylogenetics
moderncsv ModernCSV 2.0.2 editor, viewer
modkit Modkit 0.4.1 genomics, bioinformatics
modulus Modulus 23.11, 24.01, 24.07 physics, ai, neural_network
molden Molden 5.0, 7.3 chemistry, structure
molmim-nim molmim 1.0.0 drug disovery, molecule generation
molpro MolPro 0.1 biology
molprobity MolProbity 20221216 biology
moltemplate MOLTEMPLATE 2.22.2 biology, genomics
momi momi 2.1.19 phylogenetics, biology
monai monai 0.5.3, 0.8, 0.8.1 healthcare
mongodb MongoDB 4.0.3 database
moni Moni 0.2.0 genomics, biology
mono mono 5.18 linux, programming
monolix Monolix 2023R1, 4.3.2 modeling, biology
moose MOOSE 20220610, 20230320, 20230711 physics, simulation
mopac mopac 22.1.1 chemistry
morpheus MORPHEUS 23.01 machine_learning
mosaic Mosaic 1.7.4 phylogenetics
mosaik MOSAIK 2.1.33, 2.2.3, 2.2.30 biology, alignment
mosdepth Mosdepth 0.2.3, 0.3.1 biology, phylogenetics
moses moses 0.3.1 machine learning, data science
mothur Mothur 1.41.3, 1.46.1, 1.48.0 biology
motioncor2 MotionCor2 1.2.3, 1.3.1, 1.6.4 imaging
motu mOTU 1.1 biology, genomics
motus mOTUs 2.5.1 phylogenetics
mountainsort MountainSort 0.9.0 library
mpack MPACK 0.8.0 library
mpb MPB 1.5 library, math
mpboot MPBoot 1.1.0 biology, phylogenetics
mpest MP-EST 1.4 biology, ngs, sequencing
mpfr MPFR 3.1.6, 4.2.1 library, math
mpi-test-suite mpi-test-suite 1.1.1 utility
mpinterfaces mpinterfaces 20170613 math
mrbayes MrBayes 3.2.5, 3.2.6, 3.2.7 biology, phylogenetics
mricrogl MRIcroGL 20201102, 20210327, 20211006 biology, imaging
mricron MRIcron 201306, 20161012, 20190911 biology, imaging
mriqc mriqc 0.11.0, 0.16.1, 22.0.1 mri, imaging, biology
mrtrix MRtrix 3.0.1, 3.0.3, 3.0rc2 biology, imaging
mrtrix3tissue mrtrix3tissue 5.2.9 phylogenetics
ms ms 20171108 phylogenetics
ms-dial ms-dial 4.4.8 biology, metabolomics
msfinder msfinder 3.52 biology, metabolomics
msings mSINGS 20180810 phylogenetics
msmc-tools MSMC-Tools 20190614 phylogenetics
msprime msprime 0.7.4, 1.2.0 phylogenetics
mstatx MstatX 1.0 biology, phylogenetics
mstmap MSTmap 1.0 phylogenetics
msvar msvar 1.3 biology, genomics
mtd msvar 1.0 biology, genomics
mtg2 MTG2 2.15 phylogenetics
mtr mTR 20210526, 20240801 biology, genomics
mugsy Mugsy 1.2.3 biology, phylogenetics
multimatchgaze Multimatch-gaze 0.1.3 math, data_science
multiqc MultiQC 1.21, 1.24, 1.7 biology, ngs, sequencing
mummer MUMmer 3.23, 4.0.0beta2, 4.0.1 biology, genomics
muscle MUSCLE 3.8.31, 5.1 biology, alignment
muse MuSE 1.0rc phylogenetics
musket Musket 1.1 biology, genomics, ngs
mutect MuTect 1.1.4, 1.1.7 biology, genomics
mutmap mutmap 2.3.3 biology
mutsig MutSig 1.4, 1.41 biology, genomics
mvftools mvftools 20191124 phylogenetics
mvrsion mvrsion 07302018 sequencing
mykrobe mykrobe 0.12.2 biology
mzmine MZMine 2.53, 3.3.0 biology, spectroscopy
namd NAMD 2.14b2, 3.0 Alpha, 3.0b2 molecular_dynamics
nano NANO 2.8.2 programming
nanocaller nanocaller 3.1.0 sequencing
nanocomp nanocomp 1.17.0 programming, sequencing
nanocompore Nanocompore 1.3.0 biology, genomics
nanocount NanoCount 0.2.1 phylogenetics
nanodisco Nanodisco 1.0.3 phylogenetics
nanofilt Nanofilt 2.7.1 phylogenetics
nanolyse nanolyse 1.2.0 genomics, biology
nanoplot NanoPlot 1.30.1, 1.42.0 phylogenetics
nanopolish Nanopolish 0.11.1, 0.13.2, 20171006 biology
nanoq nanoq 0.10.0 biology, ngs, nanopore
nanostripper nanostripper 0.1 phylogenetics, biology
nanosv NanoSV 1.2.0, 1.2.3, 1.2.4 biology, genomics
nanovar NanoVar 1.3.9 phylogenetics
napari Napari 0.3.8, 0.4.7 phylogenetics
nbody NBODY 6 astronomy
ncbi-fcs ncbi-fcs 0.4.0, 0.5.0, 0.5.4 genomics
ncbi-genome-download ncbi-genome-download 0.3.3 biology, genomics
ncbi-vdb ncbi-vdb 2.6.3, 2.8.2 ngs
ncbi_blast NCBI BLAST+ 2.7.1, 2.8.1, 2.9.0 biology
ncbi_cli ncbi_cli 15.3.1 biology, sequencing, library
ncbi_toolkit NCBI C++ Toolkit 12.0.0, 21.0.0, 7.0.0 biology, programming, library, compiler
nccl nccl 20.11 programming, library, gpu
ncftp ncftp 3.2.5 file_management
ncl NCL 6.1.2, 6.3.0, 6.6.2 climate
nco NCO 4.2.1, 4.4.3 data_science
ncview ncview 2.1.2, 2.1.7 visualization
necat NECAT 202001019, 20200803 genomics
necklace Necklace 1.00 biology, phylogenetics
neestimator NeEstimator 2.1 biology
nemo nemo 1.2.0, 1.22.0, 1.23.0 ai, machine_learning
neovim neovim 0.10.3,, 0.9.5 programming, shell
nerfstudio nerfstudio 1.1.3 Machine Learning
netcdf NetCDF 4.3.3, 4.4.3, 4.7.2 data_science
netcdf-c NetCDF-C 4.8.1, 4.9.0, 4.9.2 data_science
netcdf-f NetCDF-F 4.5.3, 4.5.4, 4.6.1 data_science
netlogo NetLogo 5.3.64, 6.1.1, 6.2.0 modeling
neuralplexer neuralplexer 0.1.0 protein, structure, machine_learning
neuron NEURON 7.7.2, 8.0.0, 8.2.1 biology, neuroscience
newbler Newbler 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 biology, ngs, assembly, de_novo
newick_utils newick_utils 1.6, 1.7 biology, phylogenetics
newickutils newick-utils 1.6 biology, genomics, phylogenetics
newtargets NewTargets 20210215 biology
nextclade nextclade 2.9.1, 3.2.0, 3.8.2 phylogenetics, genomics
nextdenovo NextDenovo 2.4.0 phylogenetics
nextflow Nextflow 23.10.0, 23.10.1, 24.04.2 biology, workflow_automation
nextgenmap NextGenMap 0.5.5 phylogenetics
nextpolish NextPolish 1.3.1 phylogenetics
nextstrain Nextstrain 1.16.1 phylogenetics
nf-core nf-core 2.14.1, 2.7.2, 3.2.0 biology, workflow_automation
ngc-deepmd-kit deepmd-kit 2.1.1 Molecular Dynamics and Machine learning
ngc-gromacs GROMACS 2022.3 Chemistry, Molecular Dynamics
ngc-lammps LAMMPS 15Jun2023, 20220504, 3Nov2022 Molecular Dynamics
ngc-monai monai 0.8.1, 0.9.0, 1.0.1 healthcare
ngc-monailabel MONAI label 0.3.2, 0.6.0 healthcare
ngc-mxnet mxnet 22.08 healthcare
ngc-pyg PyG 24.11D3.0 library, math
ngc-pytorch PyTorch 1.9.0, 2.3.0, 2.5.0 library, math
ngc-tensorflow TensorFlow 1.15.5, 2.15.0, 2.4.0 library, math
ngccli NGC CLI 2.10.1 shell
ngmerge NGmerge 0.3 phylogenetics
ngmlr ngmlr 0.2.6, 0.2.7 biology, phylogenetics
ngs-sdk NGS-SDK 1.2.4, 1.3.0 biology, healthcare, programming, library
ngsbits ngs-bits 0.1 biology, sequencing
ngspeciesid ngspeciesid 0.3.0 biology, sequencing
ngsremix ngsremix 20221117 genomics
ngstools ngstools 20150816 biology, ngs
nilearn nilearn 0.7.0, 0.9.0 phylogenetics
nimare nimare 0.0.5 neuroscience
nipype Nipype 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.8.0 biology, neuroscience, imaging
nlp nlp 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 machine_learning
nlr-annotator nlr-annotator 0.7 phylogenetics
nlr-parser NLR-Parser 1.0 phylogenetics
nlrtracker nlrtracker 20240306 biology
nmrpipe NMRPipe 7.9, 8.2 chemistry, biology
nonmem NONMEM 7.3.0, 7.4.4 modeling
nonpareil nonpareil 3.3.4 phylogenetics
novoalign Novoalign 2.08.02, 3.00.02 biology, ngs
novoplasty NOVOPlasty 3.7, 4.2, 4.3 phylogenetics
nphase nPhase 1.1.3 biology, pipeline
nquire nQuire 20180405 phylogenetics
nsight Nsight 2022.1, 2024.3.2.0 gpu, performance_analysis, utility
nsightsys Nsightsys 2022.2.1, 2024.5.1 gpu, performance_analysis, utility
nt nt 20220404 sequencing, neuroscience
ntedit ntEdit 1.2.1 phylogenetics
ntjoin ntJoin 1.1.4 biology, genomics
ntsynt ntsynt 1.0.2 biology, genomics
nubeamdedup nubeamdedup 20200907 phylogenetics
nucdiff NucDiff 2.0.3 phylogenetics
nucleoatac NucleoATAC 0.3.1 biology
nuke Nuke 14.0v5 Graphics, Utility, Visualization
nullarbor Nullarbor 1.41 biology, phylogenetics
numba Numba 0.36.2, 0.43.1, 0.48.0 compiler
nupack NUPACK 3.2.2 phylogenetics
nvhpc nvhpc 24.3, 24.5, 25.1 language, programming, library, math, gpu
nvhpc_multi nvhpc_multi 23.5.multi language, programming, library, math, gpu
nvidia nVidia HPC Compilers 20.11 compiler
nwchem NWChem 6.8, 7.2, 7.2.3 chemistry
nxtrim NxTrim 0.4.1 biology, ngs
oases Oases 0.2.08 biology, ngs, assembly
oatk Oatk 1.0 genomics
obitools Obitools 1.2.13, 3.0 biology, ngs, sequencing
ocaml OCaml 4.02.3 language, programming
ococo OCOCO biology, phylogenetics
octave octave 6.4.0, 7.2.0, 7.3.0 math
odgi odgi 0.6, 0.8.4 phylogenetics
olego Olego 1.1.2, 1.1.5, 1.1.6 biology, ngs, rna-seq
ollama ollama 0.3.8, 0.4.4, 0.5.8 LLM
omindel OMindel 20180129 phylogenetics
omnic OMNI-C 1.0 genomics
omniclip omniCLIP 0.1.0 phylogenetics
omniverse OMNIVERSE beta211004 gpu
omsv OMSV 1.0.1 phylogenetics
oneformer OneFormer 1.0 ai, image_processing, imaging
onetbb tbb 2022.0.0 library
ont-bonito ONT-Bonito 0.1.5, 0.5.3, 0.6.0 phylogenetics
ont-fast5-api ont_fast5_api 2.0.1, 4.0.2 phylogenetics
ont_tutorial_cas9 ont_tutorial_cas9 20190705 phylogenetics
open-cravat open-cravat 2.0.1 biology, genomics
open3d open3d 0.13.0, 0.17.0 graphics
openacc OPENACC 16.7 programming
openbabel OpenBabel 2.3.2, 2.4.1, 3.1.1 biology
openblas OpenBLAS 0.2.20, 0.3.24, 0.3.28 programming, library
opencl OpenCL phylogenetics
opencv OpenCV 4.5.2, 4.7.0 library
openfoam OpenFOAM 4.1, 5.0, 8.0 fluid_dynamics
openmc openmc 0.14.0, 0.15.0 physics
openmm OpenMM 7.6.0, 8.0.0, 8.1.2 chemistry, molecular_dynamics
openmpi OpenMPI 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 4.1.6 programming, library
openneuro OpenNeuro 3.17.4, 3.37.4, 4.19.2 biology, data_science
opennmt-py opennmt-py 3.1.0 language, machine_learning
openpiv OpenPIV-python 0.21.2, 20190506-gpu programming, imaging
openpose OpenPose 20230106 image_processing
openrdp openrdp 0.1.0-rc2 biology
opensim opensim 4.3, 5.4 biology, neuroscience, medicine, dynamic movments of musculoskeletal structures
openslide OpenSlide 3.4.1 imaging
openssl Openssl 3.3.0, 3.4.0 libray
openstructure openstructure 2.3.1 biology
openusd OpenUSD 23.08 digital twin, simulation
optitype OptiType 1.3.1 biology, phylogenetics
orange3 Orange3 3.3.6 data_mining
orca Orca, 5.0.1, 5.0.4 chemistry
organellepba OrganellePBA 20180904 phylogenetics
orthofiller OrthoFiller 1.1.4 phylogenetics
orthofinder OrthoFinder 2.3.11, 2.5.2, 2.5.5 biology, ngs
orthofisher Orthofisher 0.1.2 biology, genomics
orthograph Orthograph 0.6.3 orthology
orthologer Orthologer 2.2.0 biology
orthomcl OrthoMCL 2.0.9 biology, genomics
osl OSL 1.1.0 biology, neuroscience, imaging
oslom oslom 0.3.0 plotting
osprey osprey 1.1.0, 2.5.0 spectroscopy, neuroscience
otb OTB 5.8.0 geospatial
ovito ovito 3.8.5, 3.9.4 programming
owitools owitools 1.0 metabarcoding, bioinformatics, ecology
p4est p4est 1.1, 2.8 library
p4vasp p4vasp 0.3.29, 0.3.30 chemistry, structure
p53mh p53MH 20020901 biology, sequencing
p7zip p7zip 9.20.1 utility
pacbio PacBio,, 7.0.1 biology, ngs, workflow_automation
package-gfe Package-GFE 20150701 biology, genomics
pacmap PacMAP 0.7.0 genomics
paladin PALADIN 1.3.1 biology, phylogenetics
pales PALES 122 physics
paml PAML 4.8a, 4.9a, 4.9h biology, phylogenetics
panaroo panaroo 1.3.3 biology, genomics
pandaseq Pandaseq 20140808, 20150627 biology, ngs, sequencing
pandoc Pandoc utility
pangolin pangolin 2, 4.3 phylogenetics
panpipes PANPIPES 20240822 biology
panseq panseq 3.2.1 phylogenetics
pantools pantools 4.3.1 biology, genomics
panx panX 1.6.0 phylogenetics
papi PAPI 5.5.1, 5.7.0 programming, performance_analysis
parabricks parabricks 4.2.1, 4.3.0, 4.3.1 phylogenetics
parallel parallel 20150122, 20170322 shell, workflow_automation
paralyzer paralyzer 1.5 phylogenetics
paraview ParaView 5.4.1, 5.7.0, data_science
paraview_server ParaView Server 5.10.1 data_science
pargenes ParGenes 1.2.0 phylogenetics
parlai ParlAI 1.3.0, 1.5.0 phylogenetics
parmetis PARMETIS 4.0.3 utility
parsnp Parsnp 1.2, 1.5.0, 1.6.2 biology, phylogenetics
partitionfinder PartitionFinder 2.0.0-pre-20160513, 2.1.1-20161205, biology, phylogenetics, genomics
pasa PASA 2.2.0-r20171013, 2.4.1, 2.5.3 biology, genomics, ngs
pasta PASTA 0.2.0, 1.7.8, 20160616 biology, alignment
pathd8 PATHd8 1.0 biology, phylogenetics
pathoscope pathoscope 2.0.7 sequencing, genomics, biology
patric PATRIC 1.034 machine_learning
pauda PAUDA 1.0.1 biology, ngs, phylogenetics
paup PAUP 4.0a166, 4.0a168, 4.0b10 biology, phylogenetics
pb-assembly PB-Assembly 0.0.6, 0.0.8 biology, ngs, sequencing
pbalign pbalign 20160921, 20161221 biology
pbccs PBCCS 5.0.0, 6.4.0 phylogenetics
pbcore pbcore 1.7.1 biology
pbgcpp PBGCpp 1.9.0 phylogenetics
pbipa pbipa 1.8.0 phylogenetics, biology
pbjelly PBJelly 15.8.24 biology, ngs
pbmm2 pbmm2 1.13.1, 1.3.0 phylogenetics
pbpigeon pbpigeon 1.2.0 biology, ngs
pbrt pbrt 20181017 phylogenetics
pbsmrtpipe pbsmrtpipe 0.63.0 biology, programming
pbtk pbtk 3.1.0 biology
pbtranscript-tofu pbtranscript-tofu 20150317, 20160119 biology, ngs
pcangsd pcangsd 1.2 biology
pcit PCIT 2014 biology
pcre PCRE 8.38, 8.39 programming, library
pda PDA 1.0.3 biology, phylogenetics
pdb2pqr pdb2pqr 2.1.0 protein, modeling, biology
pdt Program Database Toolkit 3.20, 3.22, 3.24 language, programming, performance_analysis
peaksplitter PeakSplitter 1.0 biology, chip-seq
pear PEAR 0.9.2 biology, genomics, ngs
peneasy peneasy 20150530 physics
penncnv PennCNV 1.0.5 phylogenetics
perl Perl 5.16.0, 5.20.0, 5.24.1 programming, language
perm PerM 0.4.0 biology, ngs, mapping
petsc PETSc 3.8.1, 3.8.3, 3.8.4 math
pfamscan PfamScan 1.3, 1.5 biology, genomics
pga PGA 1.0 genomics
pgap PGAP 20230306, 20231003, 20240703 biology, genomics, annotation, pipeline
pgdspider PGDSpider, biology, ngs
pggb pggb 0.6.0, 20201106, 20210121 phylogenetics
phame PhaME 1.0.3 phylogenetics
phanotate phanotate 1.5.0 genomics
pharmcat pharmcat 1.8.0 biology, phylogenetics
phase PHASE 2.1.1 phylogenetics
phast PHAST 1.5, 1.7 biology, phylogenetics
phenix Phenix 1.10.2155, 1.17.1, 1.8.1069 material_science
phi PHI 3.1.1, 3.1.2b, 3.1.6 math
phispy PhiSpy 3.2 phylogenetics
phlawd PHLAWD 20170427 biology, phylogenetics
photoscan-pro PhotoScan 1.4.1, 1.4.5 image_processing
photutils Photutils 0.5 astronomy
phyling PHYling 1.0 biology, phylogenetics, genomics
phylip PHYLIP 3.696 biology, phylogenetics
phyloacc PhyloAcc 1.0, 2.4.2 phylogenetics
phylobayes PhyloBayes 3.3f biology, phylogenetics
phyloflash phyloFlash 3.3b4 phylogenetics
phylonet phylonet 3.5.7, 3.8.2 biology, phylogenetics
phyloparser PhyloParser 20180404 phylogenetics
phylophlan2 PhyloPhlAn2 0.41 phylogenetics
phylopypruner phylopypruner 1.2.3 phylogenetics
phylosift PhyloSift 1.1 biology, genomics, phylogenetics
phylotf2 phyloTF2 20210726 biology, genomics, alignment
phyluce Phyluce 20180727, 20190308, 20191015 biology, ngs, sequencing
phyml PhyML 3.0, 3.1, 3.3.20220408 biology, phylogenetics
phynd phynd 20200409 phylogenetics
physher Physher 1.0.2 phylogenetics
phyutility PHYUTILITY 2.7.1 biology
phyx Phyx 1.1 phylogenetics
pia2 PIA2 20180305 biology, phylogenetics
picard Picard-tools 2.9.2, 3.1.1, 3.2.0 biology, ngs
picrust PICRUSt 1.1.0, 1.1.3, 1.1.4 biology, phylogenetics
picrust2 PICRUSt 2.3.0b biology,phylogenics
picsl PICSL 1.3 imaging
piggy Piggy 20171220 biology, ngs
pigz Pigz 2.4 compression
pilon PILON 1.22, 1.24 biology, ngs, phylogenetics
pindel Pindel 0.2.5b8 biology, phylogenetics
pipe-clip pipe-clip 1.1.0 biology, ngs
pipits pipits 1.3.6, 1.4.0 biology, sequencing
piranha Piranha 1.2.1 biology, phylogenetics
plantismash PLantismash 1.0 biology, genomics
planttribes PlantTribes 1.0.4 phylogenetics
plasme plasme 1.1 Genomics
plast PLAST 1.0, 2.3.2 biology
platanus platanus 1.2.4 phylogenetics
platon Platon 1.6 biology, sequencing
platypus Platypus 0.8.1 biology, ngs
plek PLEK 1.2.2 biology, phylogenetics
plink Plink 2.00a2, 2.00a3LM, 2.00a5LM biology, genomics, phylogenetics
plinkseq plinkseq 0.10 biology, library
plip plip 2.3.0 Protein-structure
ploidyfrost ploidyfrost 20250304 biology, genomics
plotsr plotsr 0.5.4 genomics, biology
plumed PLUMED 2.7.3, 2.9.0, 2021.2 chemistry, molecular_dynamics
pm4py pm4py 2.7.4 Data_Mining, Machine_Learning
pod5 pod5 0.1.5, 0.3.6, 20220621 sequencing
polygembler PolyGembler 1.0 phylogenetics
polyphen PolyPHen 2.2.2.r405b biology, genomics
polyply polyply 1.3.0 phylogenetics, biology
polypolish Polypolish 0.5.0 biology, genomics
pomdp pomdp 1.3.4 software
pomoxis pomoxis 0.1.11, 0.2.5, 0.3.2 biology, phylogenetics
popcorn popcorn 20211104 phylogenetics, biology
poplddecay PopLDdecay 3.40 phylogenetics
popoolation popoolation 1.2.2 biology, phylogenetics
popoolation2 popoolation2 1.201 biology, phylogenetics
porechop Porechop 0.2.4 phylogenetics
poretools Poretools 0.6.1 phylogenetics
portcullis portcullis 1.2.3 phylogenetics
posigene PosiGene 20171113 biology, phylogenetics
povray POV-Ray 3.7, graphics
powerfit powerfit 2.0.0 Physics
pplacer pplacer 1.1.alpha19 biology, phylogenetics, genomics
prank PRANK 170427, 20150803 biology, alignment
predector Predector 20201110 phylogenetics
predectorutils predectorutils 0.9.1 biology, genomics
preplot preplot 14.0.2 nan
preseq Preseq 0.0.4 biology, ngs
price PRICE 1.2 biology, ngs
primer3 Primer3 2.3.4 biology, genomics
primus primus 1.8.0 biology, phylogenetics
prinseq PRINSEQ 0.20.4 biology, sequencing
prinseq++ PRINSEQ++ 1.2 phylogenetics
probabel ProbABEL 0.4.2, 0.4.3, 0.4.5 genomics
probalign probalign 1.4 biology, ngs
processing Processing 3.4 programming, language, visualization
prodigal Prodigal 2.6.2, 2.6.3 biology, genomics
prody ProDy 2.0 phylogenetics
proj PROJ 5.1.0, 8.0.1, 9.4.0 library, Cartographic Projections and Coordinate Transformations
prokka Prokka 1.12, 1.14.6 biology, genomics, assembly
proovread Proovread 1.03rcl, 2.12, 2.13 biology, genomics, ngs
prosplign ProSplign 1.0.0 phylogenetics
protege Protege 5.1.0 genomics
proteinortho Proteinortho 4.26, 5.11, 5.16 biology, genomics
protexcluder ProtExcluder 1.2 biology, phylogenetics
prothint ProtHint 2.6.0 biology, genomics
protobuf protobuf 2.5.0, 3.5.1 web, library
prottest3 prottest3 3.4.2 biology
provean PROVEAN 1.1.5 biology, genomics
prsice PRSice 2.3.3 phylogenetics
pseudofinder Pseudofinder 1.0 phylogenetics
psiclass PsiCLASS 1.0.1 phylogenetics
psmc PSMC 0.6.5 phylogenetics
psrobot psRobot 1.2 phylogenetics
pufferfish Pufferfish 20200417, 20230223 phylogenetics
pureclip PureCLIP 1.1.1 phylogenetics
purge_dups Purge_Dups 1.0.1 phylogenetics
purge_haplotigs purge_haplotigs 1.1.2, 1.1.3 sequencing, biology
pvconv pvconv 10152018 imaging
pyani pyani 0.2.10, 0.2.12 phylogenetics
pybedtools Pybedtools 0.8.2, 0.9.0 phylogenetics
pybind11 Pybind11 2.13.5 programming
pybsaseq PyBSASeq 20200623 phylogenetics
pycharm PyCharm 2018.3, 2023.1.2 programming
pycharm-pro Pycharm Pro 23.1.3 software
pychopper pychopper 2.5.0, 2.7.1 phylogenetics, sequencing
pycogent PyCogent 1.9 biology, genomics
pycoqc pycoqc 2.5.2 sequencing
pycuda PyCUDA 2024.1 GPU programming
pydarwin pydarwin 3.0.0 machine_learning
pydeface PyDeface 2.0.0 imaging
pydock3 pydock3 20240513 biology
pyega3 pyEGA3 3.4.1, 5.0.2 biology, genomics, utility
pyexr PyEXR 0.3.10 programming
pyfaidx Pyfaidx 0.5.2 biology, ngs, sequencing
pyfasta pyfasta 0.5.2 phylogenetics
pyfastx pyfastx 2.1.0 bioinformatics
pygenometracks pygenometracks 3.8 genomics, biology
pygot pygot 20170518 biology, phylogenetics
pyhdf pyhdf 0.9.0 library
pyhist PyHIST 1.0 biology, imaging, image_processing
pylucene Lucene 7.7.1, 9.1.0 programming, search
pymesh pymesh 0.3.0 math, graphics
pypaftol pypaftol 1.0 biology, ngs, phylogenetics
pyphlawd PyPHLAWD 20180416, 20190414 biology, phylogenetics
pyroms Pyroms 1.0 geospatial
pyrosetta PyRosetta r56324 biology, structure, modeling
pyrpipe pyrpipe 0.0.3 phylogenetics
pysamstats Pysamstats 1.1.2 phylogenetics
pyslurm PySLURM 18.08.04 scheduler
python Python 3.6.3, 3.6.5, 3.8 programming, language
python-core Python-core 3.6.5, 3.7, 3.8 language, programming
pytorch pytorch 2.0.1, 2.2.0, 2.6.0 library, math
pytorch_lightning Pytorch Lightning 2.2.0 library, math
pyvcf PyVCF 0.6.0, 0.6.8 biology, phylogenetics
pyvista PyVista 0.26.1 phylogenetics
pyweka pyweka 0.3.18 phylogenetics
qapa QAPA 1.3.1, 1.3.3 phylogenetics
qcat qcat 1.1.0 phylogenetics
qctool qctool 2.0.1 phylogenetics
qcustomplot-pyqt5 qcustomplot-pyqt5 plotting, visualization
qd QD 2.3.22 library, compiler, math
qdd QDD 3.1.2 biology, genomics, ngs
qgis QGIS 2.18.0, 3.14.0 geospatial
qiime2 QIIME2 2024.10, 2024.2, 2024.5 biology, bioinformatics, metagenomics
qmcpack QMCPACK 3.4.0 library
qrna QRNA 2.0.4 phylogenetics
qsiprep qsirep 0.19.1 data_mining
qt QT 5.15.4, 5.15.9, 6.7.3 library
qtl-seq QTL-seq 2.2.2, 2.2.8 biology, genomics
qtltools QTLtools 1.2, 1.3.1 phylogenetics
quake Quake 0.3 biology, sequencing
qualimap QualiMap 2.1.2, 2.3 biology, sequencing, alignment
quantas Quantas 1.0.8, 1.0.9 biology, ngs
quantisnp quantisnp 2 biology, genomics
quantlib QuantLib 1.34 financial, quantitative analysis
quartet quarTeT 1.1.6 phylogenetics
quartetscores QuartetScores 1.0.0 phylogenetics
quarto QUARTO 1.4.550 desktop publishing
quast QUAST 5.0.0, 5.0.2, 5.2.0 biology, ngs, sequencing, rna-seq
quickmerge quickmerge 0.3 phylogenetics
quickquartet Quickquartet 1.0.0 biology, ngs
quip QUIP 20201029, 20210626 phylogenetics
quorum QuorUM 1.0.0 biology
qupath qupath 0.4.3 biology, Imaging
R R 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 statistics
r-index r-index 20190711 phylogenetics
r8s r8s 1.8, 1.81 phylogenetics
raca RACA biology, ngs
racon Racon 1.4.10, 1.4.13, 1.5.0 phylogenetics
radical RADICAL 0.2 biology, genomics
radinitio radinitio 1.2.3 biology
radorgminer radorgminer 0.9 genomics, biology, sequencing
ragoo RaGOO 1.11 phylogenetics
ragout Ragout 2.3 genomics
ragtag RagTag 1.0.0, 2.0.1 phylogenetics
rainbow rainbow 2.0.4 biology, sequencing
rainbowfish Rainbowfish 0.1.0 phylogenetics
raisd RAiSD 2.8, 3.1 phylogenetics
randfold Randfold 2.0.1 biology, RNA
ranger ranger 1.9.3 file_management
rapidnj Rapidnj 2.3.3 biology, phylogenetics
rapidsai rapidsai 24.02, 24.04, 24.08 data_science
rapidtide rapidtide 1.9.0 phylogenetics
rapsearch RAPSearch 2.24 biology, phylogenetics
rapt RAPT 0.5.5 biology,assembly
rar Unrar 0.0.1, 4.20 utility
rascaf Rascaf 1.0.2 biology
rasterio Rasterio 1.3.10 geospatial
rattle RATTLE 1.0 Sequencing
rave RAVE 2.1 biology, phylogenetics
raven Raven 1.8.1 assembly
rawhash RawHash 2.1 data, hashing, performance
raxml RAxML 8.2.10, 8.2.12, 8.2.8 biology, phylogenetics
raxml-ng RAxML-NG 0.9.0, 1.0.2, 1.1.0 phylogenetics
razers3 razers3 3.5.7 biology, phylogenetics
rbp-maps rbp-maps 0.1.4 phylogenetics
rcapptests rcapptests 1.0 software
rclone rclone 1.57.0, 1.58.1, 1.65.2 web
rcorrector Rcorrector 1.0.4 phylogenetics
rdkit RDKit 2020092, 2024092 chemistry
rdnatools rDnaTools 0.1.3 phylogenetics
read2tree read2tree 0.1.5 alignment, biology, genomics, phylogenetics
reademption READemption 1.0.0 phylogenetics
reapr REAPR 1.0.18 biology, assembly
rebaler Rebaler 0.2.0 phylogenetics
recognizer reCOGnizer 1.3.3 phylogenetics
recon recon 1.08 biology, sequencing
recycler recycler 0.7 biology, sequencing
redis Redis 2.8.13, 2.8.19 database, data_science
reditools2 REDItools2 20200701 phylogenetics
redundans Redundans 0.14a biology, phylogenetics
refmaker refmaker 1.0 biology, phylogenomics
reframe ReFrame 3.2 performance_analysis, utility
regtools regtools 0.5.2 biology, rna-seq, genomics
release release 12082021 molecular_dynamics, machine_learning
relernn ReLERNN 1.0.0 biology/AI
relion RELION 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 5.0.0 biology, imaging
relocate2 RelocaTE2 2.0.1 phylogenetics
remora REMORA 1.8.3, 1.8.5, 2.0.0 performance_analysis
repdenovo REPdenovo 20170222 biology, phylogenetics
repeatanalysis RepeatAnalysis 0.10.0, 0.12.2 biology, phylogenetics
repeatanalysistools RepeatAnalysisTools 20210506 biology, genomics, sequencing, utility
repeatexplorer RepeatExplorer 20150506, 20180517 biology, ngs
repeatmasker RepeatMasker 4.0.9, 4.1.1, 4.1.7 biology, genomics
repeatmodeler RepeatModeler 1.0.8, 2.0 biology
repeatscout repeatscout 1.0.5 biology
repeatseq RepeatSeq 0.8.2 phylogenetics
reptile reptile 1.1 biology, ngs, math
resfinder ResFinder 4.0 biology, genomics
resistify resistify 0.1.0 biology, molecular
resistome Resistome 20170111 phylogenetics
resolve Resolve 18.1.4 Graphics, Utility, Visualization
revbayes RevBayes 1.0.9, 1.1.1, 1.2.3 biology, phylogenetics
rfaa RFAA 20240323 biology, genomics
rfmix RFMIX 2.03 phylogenetics
rgaugury RGAugury 2.2 sequencing, biology
rgi RGI 4.2.2, 5.1.1, 6.0.2 phylogenetics
rgis RGIS 20180211, 20180814 geospatial
rhash RHash 1.3.3 programming
ribocode RiboCode 1.2.11 phylogenetics
ribodetector ribodetector 0.3.1 biology
ribopicker riboPicker 0.4.3 biology, sequencing
ribotaper RiboTaper 1.3.1a phylogenetics
ribotricer Ribotricer 1.3.3 phylogenetics
rigerj RIGERJ 2.0.2 phylogenetics
rmats-turbo rMATS turbo 4.1.2 biology, sequencing, genomics
rmats2sashimiplot rmats2sashimiplot 2.0.3, 2.0.4 phylogenetics
Rmpi Rmpi 3.5.1 statistics, programming
rmpi Rmpi 3.5.1, 4.0.3 statistics, programming
rnabloom rnabloom 2.0.1 biology, ngs, sequencing, rna-seq
rnaeditingindexer rnaeditingindexer 12152022 data_mining
rnaframework RNAFramework 2.7.2 biology, RNA, sequencing
rnahybrid RNAhybrid 2.1.1 biology, genomics
rnalysis rnalysis 3.7.0 sequencing, biology
rnammer RNAmmer 1.2 biology, rna-seq
rnaquast rnaQUAST 1.5.1 biology, ngs, sequencing, rna-seq
rnasalsa RNAsalsa 0.8.1 biology, phylogenetics
rnaseqlib rnaseqlib 20150721 biology, phylogenetics, rna-seq
rnastructure RNAstructure 6.3 biology, sequencing
rndatools rDnaTools 0.1.3 phylogenetics
roary Roary 3.12.0, 3.13.0, 3.4.1 biology, genomics
roguenarok roguenarok 20230418 phylogenetics
root ROOT 5.34.17, 6.0, 6.06.02 data_science
rootpy ROOTPy 20160323 data_science
rosetta Rosetta 2019.35.60890, 2021.16.61629, 2023.11.30 biology, structure, modeling
rosettafold RoseTTAFold 1.0.0 phylogenetics
rrnaselector rrnaselector 1.0 biology, sequencing
rseg RSEG 0.4.8 biology, genomics
rsem RSEM 1.2.31, 1.2.7, 1.3.3 biology, ngs, sequencing
rseqc RSeQC 2.6.4, 3.0.0, 5.0.3 biology, ngs, rna-seq
rstudio RStudio 1.4, 2021.09.0, 2022.02.3 statistics
rsync rsync 3.2.7 software, utility
rtgtools RTGTools 3.7.1 biology, ngs
ruby Ruby 2.5.1 programming, language
run_dbcan run_dbcan 20250205, 4.0.0, 4.1.4 biology, genomics, annotation
rust Rust 1.62.1, 1.70.0, 1.76.0 programming
rvtests rvtests 2.1.0 genomics, biology, sequencing
s.a.g.e S.A.G.E 6.4.2 phylogenetics
sabre Sabre 1.0 phylogenetics
saffrontree saffrontree 0.1.2 phylogenetics
saige saige 0.45.0 genomics
sailfish Sailfish 0.6.3 biology, genomics, ngs, rna-seq
salmon Salmon 1.5.2, 1.8.0, 1.9.0 biology, rna-seq
salsa SALSA 20171009, 20191001, 20220408 biology, ngs
samapi samapi 0.4.0 Imaging
sambamba Sambamba 0.6.3, 0.6.6, 0.6.9 biology, ngs
samblaster samblaster 0.1.14, 0.1.24 biology, ngs, sequencing
sampledock sampledock 0.5.1 molecular_dynamics, AI
samstat SAMStat 1.08 biology, ngs, sequencing
samtools Samtools 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 biology, ngs, sequencing
saoimageds9 DS9 7.5, 8.0.1 imaging
sas SAS 9.4.8 statistics, data_science
sate Sate 2.2.7 biology, phylogenetics
satsuma Satsuma 3.0 phylogenetics
satsuma2 Satsuma2 20161123, 3.1 phylogenetics
scala Scala 2.11.5, 3.0.1 programming, language
scalablast Scalablast 2.4.53 biology, genomics
scalapack ScaLAPACK 2.1.0, 2.2.0, programming, library
scallop scallop 0.10.5 phylogenetics
scalpel Scalpel 0.1.1, 0.5.3 biology, ngs
scanpy scanpy 1.8.2 biology
scapp scapp 0.1.4 genomics, assembly
scgpt scGPT 0.1.2 Biology, Data_Science, Genomics
schrodinger Schrodinger Suite 2023-2, 2023-3, 2024-2 chemistry, molecular_dynamics
sciann sciann machine_learning
scikit-learn scikit-learn 1.4.1.post1 Data_Science
scim sc-im 0.8.2 utility, visualization
scipion scipion 1.2, 3.0.0, 3.1.0 image_processing
scirun SCIrun 5.0.Z phylogenetics
scnic scnic 1.0 library
scoary Scoary 1.6.16 phylogenetics
scons Scons 2.5.1, 3.1.2 programming
scop SCOP 20180311 biology, assembly
score-sde score-sde 20221110 Machine_Learning
scrappie Scrappie 1.4.2 biology, genomics
scratch1d SCRATCH-1D 1.0, 1.2, 2.0 biology, ngs
screen Screen 4.8.0, 4.9.1 programming, shell
scripture SCRIPTURE 20101211 biology, genomics
scvelo scVelo 0.2.5 biology
scythe Scythe 0.991 biology, ngs
sdsl sdsl 2.1.1 library, compiler
se-mei SE-MEI 0.1.0 phylogenetics
secapr SeCaPr 1.1.12, 2.0.2, 2.1.1 phylogenetics
seekdeep seekdeep 3.0.1 biology, sequencing
segemehl Segemehl 0.1.9, 0.3.4 biology, ngs, sequencing
segment-liftover segment-liftover 20211021 biology, genomics
seismometer seismometer 0.2.1 AI, utility
semibin SemiBin 2.1.0 bioinformatics
sepp SEPP 20160614 biology, phylogenetics
seq-gen Seq-Gen 1.3.3 biology, phylogenetics
seq_crumbs seq_crumbs 20150120 biology, sequencing, genomics, utility
seqkit SeqKit 0.8.0, 2.0.0, 2.4.0 biology, phylogenetics
seqmagick seqmagick 0.8.4 biology
seqmap SeqMap 1.0.13 biology, sequencing, ngs
seqmule seqmule 1.2.6 biology, sequencing
seqpower SEQPower 1.1.1 genomics, phylogenetics
seqprep SeqPrep 0.5, 1.1 biology, ngs, sequencing
seqscreen seqscreen 3.3 sequencing, biology
seqtk seqtk 1.3, 20140729 biology, genomics, ngs
sequel SEQuel 1.0.1 biology, ngs
sequelqc SequelQC 1.1.0 phylogenetics
seqwish seqwish 0.7, 20190509 phylogenetics
seqyclean SeqyClean 1.8.10 biology, ngs, sequencing
sesimcmc SeSiMCMC 4.36 biology, sequencing
sextractor SExtractor 2.19.5 astronomy
shapeit SHAPEIT 2.12, 2.5 biology, variant_calling
shapeit4 SHAPEIT4 4.2.2 biology, sequencing
shapemap SHAPE-MaP 1.2 biology, phylogenetics
shapemapper ShapeMapper 2.1.3, 2.1.5, 2.2.2 biology, phylogenetics
sharcgs SHARCGS 1.2.11 biology, ngs, de_novo
shasta Shasta 0.1.0 phylogenetics
shesisplus SHEsisPlus 1.0, 1.01 biology, genomics
shogun shogun 6.1.3 phylogenetics
shortbred Shortbred 0.9.4 phylogenetics
shortstack shortstack 4.0.3 biology
shovill shovill 1.1.0 genomics, sequencing, biology
shrimp SHRiMP 2.2.3 biology, genomics, ngs
shustring shustring 2.6 biology, sequencing
sibeliaz SibeliaZ 1.2.2, 1.2.3, 1.2.4 biology, genomics, alignment
sicer SICER 1.1 biology, chip-seq
sickle Sickle 1.200, 1.33 biology, ngs
siesta Siesta 3.2, 4.1b2, 4.1b3 chemistry
sift SIFT 4.0.3b biology, genomics
sigffrid SIGffRid 1.1 phylogenetics
signalp SignalP 4.1c, 5.0b, 6.0h biology, phylogenetics
silix SiLiX 1.2.11, 1.3.0 phylogenetics
silo silo 4.7 library
sim4 sim4 20121010 biology, genomics
sim4life Sim4Life 7.0.1, 7.2.3 biology, simulation
simka Simka 1.5.3 phylogenetics
simnibs SimNIBS 3.2.1, 4.0.0, 4.1.0 phylogenetics
simseq SimSeq 4.12.2011 biology, ngs, phylogenetics
simulia Simulia 2019 simulation, visualization
sinc SInC 20140120 biology, phylogenetics
sine_scan sine_scan 1.1.1 phylogenetics
singularity Singularity 3.10.4 workflow_automation
sipes SIPeS 2.0 biology, chip-seq
siril SIRIL 1.2.0 image processing
sisl sisl 0.8.3 physics, structure
ska2 Ska2 0.3.0 alignment, biology, genomics
skimmingloc kimmingloci 1.0.0 pipeline mapping, biology
skmer skmer 3.2.1 genomics, biology
slamdunk Slamdunk 0.4.1, 0.4.2 phylogenetics
slaw SLAW 20211217 chemistry, spectroscopy
sleap Sleap 1.3.3 machine learning
slicer Slicer 5.2.1, 5.6.2, 5.8.0 biology, neuroscience, imaging
slivar slivar 0.3.0 biology
slow5tools slow5tools 0.5.1, 1.1.0 biology, sequencing
slr SLR 1.0.0 genomics
slurm-drmaa slurm-drmaa 1.1.4,, library, scheduler, programming
smalt smalt 0.7.6 biology, phylogenetics
smartdenovo SMARTdenovo 20180219 biology, phylogenetics
smartie-sv smartie-sv 20180308 phylogenetics
smcpp SMC++ 1.15.4 biology, genomics, sequencing
smetana Smetana 1.1.0 phylogenetics
smr SMR 1.03 biology, genomics
smrtsv2 SMRT-SV 2.0.0 biology, ngs
sms SMS 1.7 biology
smudgeplot Smudgeplot 0.2.4 phylogenetics
snakemake Snakemake 7.5.0, 8.10.8, 8.4.0 biology, workflow_automation
snap SNAP 2.0.0, 2.0.3, 20100728 biology, variant_calling
snape-pooled SNAPE-pooled 20130407 biology, variant_calling
snep SNeP 1.1 biology, phylogenetics
sniffles Sniffles 1.0.11, 1.0.6, 1.0.8 phylogenetics
sniffles2 Sniffles2 2.0.6 biology
snippy Snippy 20160419, 4.6.0 biology, phylogenetics
snp-pipeline SNP-Pipeline 1.0.1 biology, phylogenetics
snp-sites SNP-sites 2.0.3 biology, variant_calling
snp2hla snp2hla 1.0.3 biology, genomics
snpeff SnpEff 5.0, 5.1d, 5.2e biology, annotation
snpflip snpflip 20190515 biology, phylogenetics
snpgenie SNPGenie 20190620 phylogenetics
snphylo SNPhylo 20140701, 3.0 biology, phylogenetics
snpsplit SNPsplit 0.5.0 biology, sequencing
snptest SNPTEST 2.5.2 phylogenetics
soapaligner SOAPaligner 2.21 phylogenetics
soapdenovo SOAPdenovo 1.05, 2.04 biology, ngs
soapdenovo-trans SOAPdenovo-Trans 1.01, 1.03 biology, ngs
soapec SOAPec 2.03 biology, phylogenetics
soapnuke SOAPnuke 2.1.0 phylogenetics
soapsplice SOAPsplice 1.10 biology, ngs
soda SODA 20200930 biology
solar SOLAR 8.4.2 phylogenetics
somaticseq SomaticSeq 3.6.2 phylogenetics
sortadate SortaDate 20190705 phylogenetics
sortmerna SortMeRNA 4.0, 4.3.6, 4.3.7 biology, sequencing, ngs
sourcetracker2 SourceTracker2 2.0.1 phylogenetics
sourmash Sourmash 2.0.1, 4.5.0 genomics
sox SoX 14.4.2 phylogenetics
spacemake spacemake 0.5.5 sequencing
spaceranger SpaceRanger 2.1.0, 3.0.1, 3.1.1 phylogenetics
spades SPAdes 3.7.1, 3.8.0, 4.0.0 biology, ngs
sparcc SparCC 201608 biology
spark Spark 2.2.0, 3.1.1 utility
sparsehash sparsehash 2.0.3 web, programming
sparta+ SPARTA+ 2.60 chemistry
spec2nii Spec2nii 0.3.4 phylogenetics
speedseq SpeedSeq 0.1.2 phylogenetics
spidey Spidey 20150922 biology, genomics
spinalcordtoolbox SpinalCordToolbox 5.4 phylogenetics
spladder SplAdder 2.4.2 phylogenetics
splicegrapher SpliceGrapher 0.2.5 biology, sequencing
splicetrap SpliceTrap 0.90.5 biology, genomics, ngs
spm SPM 12b, 8, 8r5236 biology
spruceup spruceup 2019.2.3 phylogenetics
sputnik Sputnik 1.0 biology
spyder spyder 4.1.4, 5.1.1, 5.3.2 programming
sqanti SQANTI 1.2 phylogenetics
sqanti2 SQANTI2 5.0 phylogenetics
sqanti3 SQANTI3 1.6, 4.2, 5.1.1 phylogenetics
sqldeveloper SQL Developer 4.1.2 programming, database
sqlite SQLite 3.33.0, database
sqlite3 SQLite 3.45.3 database
squashfuse squashfuse 0.5.2 containers, library
squeezemeta SqueezeMeta 1.4.0, 1.5.2, 1.6.0 phylogenetics
squigglekit squigglekit 1.0.0 visualization, biology
squigglenet squigglenet 1.0 sequencing, biology
sra SRA 3.0.2, 3.0.5, 3.0.8 biology, ngs
sra_human_scrubber sra-human-scrubber 1.1 genomics
srassembler SRAssembler 1.0.0 phylogenetics
srst2 srst2 0.2.0 sequencing, genomics, biology
ssm SSM 20210511 phylogenetics
sspace SSPACE 2.0, 3.0 biology, ngs
ssr_pipeline ssr_pipeline 0.951 biology, sequencing
ssu-align SSU-ALIGN 0.1.1 phylogenetics
stable-diffusion stable-diffusion 20221116 machine_learning
stacks Stacks 2.61, 2.64, 20190403 biology, genomics, ngs
staden Staden 1.14.6 biology, phylogenetics
stampy Stampy 1.0.31 biology, sequencing
staphb-toolkit staphb-toolkit 1.2.0, 1.3.10, 2.0.1 biology
star STAR 2.7.5c, 2.7.6a, 2.7.9a biology, ngs, rna-seq
star-fusion STAR-Fusion 1.13.0, 1.3.1, 1.9.1 biology, sequencing
starccm+ STAR-CCM+ 14.04.011, 15.02.009, 8.06 fluid_dynamics
starseqr starseqr 0.6.7 phylogenetics
stata Stata 10.1, 13, 18 statistics
strainberry Strainberry 1.1 biology, genomics, assembly
strainline Strainline 1.0 biology
strainy Strainy 1.2 biology, genomics, assembly
strelka Strelka 2.9.2 biology, genomics
stringmlst stringMLST 0.4 biology, chip-seq
stringtie Stringtie 2.0.4, 2.1.3b, 2.2.3 biology, ngs, sequencing, alignment
structure Structure 2.3.3, 2.3.4 biology, genomics
structure_threader Structure_threader 1.3.10 utility, structure
stumpy stumpy 1.11.1 library, math
stylegan3 stylegan3 20211028 ai, image_processing
su2 SU2 7.0.6 phylogenetics
subphaser subphaser 1.2.6 sequencing, biology
subread Subread 2.0.0, 2.0.3, 2.0.6 biology, sequencing, variant_calling
subversion Subversion 1.14.2, 1.9.7 revision_control
sumo SUMO 1.2.0, 1.20.0, 1.9.2 simulation, mapping
sundials SUNDIALS 2.5.0, 3.0.0, 6.1.1 math
supercell supercell 20170602 biology, ngs
supercrunch SuperCRUNCH 1.2.1 phylogenetics
superlu_dist SUperLU-DIST 6.0.1, 8.2.1, 9.1.0 linear algebra
supernova Supernova 1.2.1, 2.0.0, 2.1.1 biology, phylogenetics, ngs
suppa SUPPA 2.3 phylogenetics
support support 24.03.20 ufrc, admin, tools
surrealdb SurrealDB 1.3.1, 1.5.0, 2.0.1 database
survival_kit Survival_Kit 6.12 healthcare
survivor SURVIVOR 1.0.6 phylogenetics
svdetect SVDetect 0.8b biology, ngs, genomics
svim svim 1.4.2 biology
svim-asm svim-asm 1.0.2 biology
svtyper svtyper 0.7.1 biology, genomics, sequencing
swarm swarm 1.2.11 data_science
sweed Sweed 3.3.2 biology, phylogenetics
swig SWIG 3.0.8, 4.1.1, 4.2.1 library, programming, compiler
swsc-en SWSC-EN 1.0.0 phylogenetics
synima Synima 20210908 phylogenetics
syri syri 1.5.4 genomics, biology
taco TACO 0.7.3 phylogenetics
taiyaki Taiyaki 5.0.1 phylogenetics
talesf talesf 20160814 phylogenetics
talon talon 5.0 biology, sequencing
tandem-genotypes Tandem-Genotypes 1.4.0 phylogenetics
tantan Tantan 13 imaging, ngs, genomics
tapestri Tapestri 2.0.1 phylogenetics
tapir tapir 20160825 biology, phylogenetics
tapis TAPIS 1.2.1 biology, sequencing
tassel TASSEL 5.2.20, 5.2.29, 5.2.82 biology, genomics, sequencing
tau TAU 2.23, 2.26, 2.26.3 library, performance_analysis
tax4fun Tax4Fun 0.3.1 phylogenetics
taxmaps taxMaps 0.1 biology, phylogenetics, genomics
taxonkit TaxonKit 0.13.0, 0.9.0 phylogenetics
taxtastic Taxtastic 0.5.7, 0.9.1 biology, genomics
tbb tbb 2017_20161128 library
tbprofiler tbprofiler 4.4.1 genomics, biology
tcl tcl 9.0.1 programing langauge
tcllib tcllib 1.18 library
tcoffee tcoffee 10.00.r1613, 9.03.r1318 biology
tdnascan TDNAscan 20210304 phylogenetics
tecplot Tecplot 360 EX 2015R1 math, animation, fluid_dynamics, simulation
tellseq tellseq 1.0.0 sequencing, phylogenetics
temp TEMP 20170731 phylogenetics
temp2 TEMP2 0.1.4 phylogenetics
tensorflow TensorFlow 2.6.0, 2.7.0, 2.8.0 library, math
tess TESS 2.3.1 biology, genomics, math
tesseract tesseract 5.3.4 OCR
tetgen TetGen 1.5.0 modeling
tetoolkit TEToolkit 1.5.1 biology, sequencing
tetools TEtools 20180213 biology, phylogenetics
texlive Texlive 20191127, 2020, 2023 documentation
textract textract 1.6.1 data_science, file_management
tgicl TGICL 2.1 biology, ngs, sequencing
tgsgapcloser TGSGapCloser 1.0.3 phylogenetics
the_silver_searcher the_silver_searcher 2.2.0 search
themisto Themisto 0.2.0, 1.1.0 genomics, alignment
tiara Tiara 1.0.2 phylogenetics
tidk tidk 0.2.41 bioinformatics
tiff tiff 3.8.0, 4.0.10, 4.6.0 imaging
tighe-r tighe-r 4.2, studio statistics
tigmint Tigmint 1.1.2 phylogenetics
tk tk 9.0.1 programing langauge
tmhmm TMHMM 2.0 biology
tmux Tmux 2.9, 3.1, 3.4 programming
tntblast TNTBLAST 2.04 biology
tofu2 ToFU2 20180629, v17 biology, ngs, sequencing
toil toil 3.3.0, 3.3.3 biology
tombo Tombo 1.4, 1.5, 1.5.1 biology, genomics, ngs
topd topd 4.6 phylogenetics
tophat Tophat 2.1.0, 2.1.1, 2.1.2 biology, ngs, sequencing
torch-geometric torch-geometric 1.3.2, 2.0.4 phylogenetics
totalview TotalView 8.12 programming
tpmcalculator TPMcalculator 0.0.3 phylogenetics
tpp TPP 4.7.0, 4.7.1, 5.0.0 biology, chemistry, spectroscopy
tracer TraCeR 20160519 biology, phylogenetics
tracktools TrackTools 2011 utility
trackvis TrackVis/DTK, biology, neuroscience, imaging
tracula Tracula 5.3.2014_05_26 biology, neuroscience, imaging
traitrate traitRate 1.1 biology, genomics
transabyss Trans-ABySS 2.0.1 biology, phylogenetics
transdecoder TransDecoder 5.3.0, 5.4.0, 5.5.0 biology, ngs
transit TRANSIT 2.5.2, 3.2.3 phylogenetics
transrate Transrate 1.0.1, 1.0.3 biology, assembly
transvar TransVar 2.3.3 biology, phylogenetics
treebreaker TreeBreaker 20160621 biology, phylogenetics
treemix TreeMix 1.12 biology, phylogenetics
treepl treePL 20150305 biology, phylogenetics
treepuzzle TREEPUZZLE 5.3 biology, phylogenetics
treeshrink TreeShrink 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.9 phylogenetics
treetime TreeTime 0.10.1, 0.7.5, 0.8.1 phylogenetics
trelis trelis 16.3 math
trf TRF 4.04, 4.09.1 biology, genomics
trgt trgt 0.4.0 genetics, biology
trilinos Trilinos 12.6.4, 14.4.0, 16.6.0 math
trim_galore Trim Galore 0.5.0, 0.6.10, 0.6.5 biology, ngs
trim_isoseq_polya trim_isoseq_polya 0.0.3 biology, genomics, sequencing
trimal trimAl 1.2, 1.4.1 biology, genomics, alignment
trimesh trimesh 3.20.2 graphics, math
trimetass TriMetAss 1.1 biology, ngs
trimmomatic Trimmomatic 0.33, 0.36, 0.39 biology, ngs
trinity Trinity r20130225, r20131110, r20140413 biology, ngs, sequencing, rna-seq
trinotate Trinotate 3.0.1, 3.2.0, 4.0.0 biology
triobinning triobinning 0.2.3 genomics, biology
triplec TRIPLEC 1.0 biology
tritonserver TRITONSERVER 21.08, 23.01 machine_learning
trnascan-se tRNAscan-Se 1.23, 2.0.12 biology, genomics, annotation
trust4 TRUST4 1.0.2b phylogenetics
trvz trvz 0.4.0 genetics, biology
trycycler Trycycler 0.4.2 phylogenetics
turbomole TURBOMOLE 7.4.1 chemistry
twinscan TWINSCAN 4.1.2 biology, genomics
ubuntu Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04 linux
ucsc UCSC 20200320, 20210803 genomics
ucsc-fafiltern ucsc-fafiltern 377 phylogenetics
ucsc-maskoutfa ucsc-maskoutfa 377 phylogenetics
ucx UCX 1.11.2, 1.15.0, 1.9.0 programming, library
udunits UDUNITS 2.2.17 library, data_science, math
ufcg UFCG 1.0.3, 1.0.5 biology, genomics
ufraw ufraw 0.22 data_mining
ugtm ugtm 1.1.6 statistics, modeling
ukfractography UKFractography 20200127 phylogenetics
umi-tools umi-tools 0.5.5, 1.1.4, 1.1.5 phylogenetics
umicollapse UMICollapse 02072021 chemestry
unafold UNAFold 3.8 biology, genomics, rna
unanimity Unanimity 20171108, 3.4.1 programming, library, compiler
uncalled UNCALLED 2.2 biology, genomics
unetstudio unetstudio 20250203 biology
unicycler Unicycler 0.4.8 phylogenetics
unrealengine unrealengine editor 5.2.1 programming, design, digitaltwin
uproc uproc 1.2.0 biology, genomics
upscayl UPSCAYL 2.5.5, 2.8.1, 2.9.1 image processing
uropa uropa 4.0.2 genomics, sequencing, biology
usearch USEARCH 9.0.2132, 9.1.13, 9.2.64 biology, alignment, sequencing
usher UShER 0.1.4, 0.4.1, 0.5.2 phylogenetics
v-pipe v-pipe 2.0.0, 2.99.3 biology, genomics, sequencing
valgrind Valgrind 3.11.0, 3.15.0, 3.8.1 programming
valouev Valouev 20160325 biology, phylogenetics
vamb vamb 3.0.2 biology
vampir VAMPIR 9.1 performance_analysis
vardictjava VarDictJava 1.6.0, 20160521, 20170531 biology, phylogenetics
vari VARI 0.7.0 math, visualization
varnorm varnorm 0.21 biology
varpipe-wgs varpipe-wgs 20230222 sequencing, biology
varscan VarScan 2.3.6 biology, ngs
varsim VarSim 0.8.4, 0.8.6 phylogenetics
varsimlab VarSimLab 20180220, 20180921 biology, simulation, genomics
vasp vasp 6.4.1, 6.4.3, 6.5.0 chemistry
vasp_el8 VASP 6.4.1 chemistry
vaspkit vaspkit 1.2.5, 1.4.1 phylogenetics
vast-tools VAST-TOOLS 2.5.1, 20150506 biology, rna-seq, ngs
vcf-kit VCF-kit 0.2.6 phylogenetics
vcfanno vcfanno 0.2.8, 0.3.3 biology, phylogenetics
vcflib vcflib 1.0.1 biology, genomics
vcftools vcftools 0.1.15, 0.1.16, 0.1.9 biology, genomics
vcfvalidator vcf-validator 0.6 biology, phylogenetics
vcontact vcontact 20190512 phylogenetics
vdjtools VDJtools 1.1.7, 1.2.1 biology, phylogenetics
velocyto Velocyto 0.17 biology, RNA seq
velvet Velvet 1.2.10, 1.2.10-long biology, genomics
vep VEP 83, 88.8, 92 biology, genomics, ngs
verkko Verkko 1.3.1 genomics
vermouth-martinize Vermouth-martinize 0.11.0, 0.7.2 phylogenetics
veryfasttree VeryFastTree 3.0.1 phylogenetics
vfuparr VFUparr 20240320 sequencing, biology
vg vg 1.45.0, 1.49.0, 1.55.0 phylogenetics
vibrant vibrant 1.2.0 genomics
viennarna ViennaRNA 2.2.6, 2.4.18 biology, rna-seq
viewbs ViewBS 0.1.10, 0.1.9 phylogenetics
vigor4 vigor4 20200702 biology, annotation
vim Vim 8.1.1566, 8.2.2465, 9.0.1946i programming, language
vina-gpu vina-gpu 20230530 biology
viralmsa viralmsa 1.1.10, 1.1.12, 1.1.14 phylogenetics
virclust VIRCLUST 2.0 biology, annotation
viromescan viromescan 2015 genomics, biology
virsieve VirSieve 20210406 biology, pipeline
virsorter virsorter 2.2.3 genomics
virtualcell VirtualCell 7.1 phylogenetics
virulign VIRULIGN 1.0.2 phylogenetics
virusdetect VirusDetect 1.7 phylogenetics
virusfinder VirusFinder 2.0 biology, phylogenetics
visit visit 3.3.3, 3.3.3-mpi, 3.3.3_mpi visualization, animation
vispr VISPR 0.4.14 phylogenetics
vmamba vmamba 2.0 machine_learning
vmd VMD 1.9.1, 1.9.3, 1.9.4 visualization, animation, graphics
vphaser2 V-Phaser 02112013 biology, phylogenetics
vray vray 6.10.04 graphics
vscode vscode 1.86.2, 1.87, 1.92 programming
vsearch VSearch 2.22.1, 20151022, 20161209-2.3.4 biology, ngs
vt vt 0.57721, 20140903, 20160129 biology, genomics
vtc VTC 0.9.3 biology
vtk VTK 9.1.0, 9.2.6, 9.3.0 biology, neuroscience, imaging
w2rap-contigger w2rap-contigger 20161124 biology, genomics
wannier90 Wannier90 1.2, 2.1.0, 3.1.0 computational Physics
warpedlmm WarpedLMM 0.21 modeling
wavegan WaveGAN 20190829 machine_learning, audio, GAN
wdss2 WDSSII 5, 6 climate
weblogo WebLogo 3.3, 3.5.0, 3.7 biology, sequencing, graphics
webodm webodm 20240718 graphics
weka Weka 3.8, 3.8.5 statistics, machine_learning
wengan Wengan 0.2 biology, genomics
wfmash wfmash 0.13.0 phylogenetics
wgd wgd 1.1.1 phylogenetics
wgs WGS Assembler 8.3rc1.r4638, 8.3rc2 biology, genomics
wgsim Wgsim 0.3.1-r13 biology, phylogenetics
whamm WHAMM 0.14a biology, phylogenetics
whatshap WhatsHap 1.1, 2.1 biology, phylogenetics
whiteboxtools whiteboxtools 1.5.0 phylogenetics
widis-lstm-tools widis-lstm-tools 0.4 ML
wine Wine 4.0.0, 7.0.0 linux, utility
wise Wise 2.2.0, 2.4.1 biology, genomics
wish WIsH 1.0 phylogenetics
wolfpsort WoLFPSort 0.2 phylogenetics
wombat WOMBAT 20180118 biology, phylogenetics
workbench workbench 4.1.1 modeling, simulation
wtdbg wtdbg 2.1, 2.4, 2.5 phylogenetics
wub Wub 0.2.0, 0.4.0 biology, genomics, ngs
wublast WU BLAST 2.0 biology
xander xander 20151222 biology, phylogenetics
xapian Xapian 1.4.4 library
xclip XCLIP 0.13 software
xcrysden XCrySDen 1.5.60 material_science
xerces Xerces 3.1.4 phylogenetics
xesmf xesmf 0.6.2 math, climate
xlsx2csv xlsx2csv 0.8.0 utility
xpclr xpclr 1.0, 1.1.1 phylogenetics
xppaut xppaut 8.0 math
xroms xroms v0.5.4 geospatial
xtea xtea 0.1.9 genomics
xterm Xterm 1.1 utility
xwalk xwalk 0.6 biology
xwas XWAS 3.0 phylogenetics
xy-meta XY-Meta 20200413 phylogenetics
xz XZ 5.2.2 compression, library
yagcloser yagcloser 1.0.0 biology, genomics, assembly
yago YAGO 4 data_science
yaha YAHA 0.1.82 biology, ngs
yahs Yaha 1.1 biology
yak YAK 0.1 phylogenetics
yasm YASM 1.3.0 programming
yasra YASRA 2.33 biology, ngs, sequencing
ydata-profiling ydata-profiling 4.6.1 biology, ai, machine learning
yolo yolo 8.1, 8.2, NAS machine_learning
yolov4_darknet yolov4_darknet 4-pre machine_learning
yolov5 yolov5 4.0, 7.0 machine_learning
z1plus Z1Plus 1.0 molecular_dynamics
zagros Zagros 1.0.0 biology, phylogenetics
zbar Zbar 0.23.90 ai, image_processing, imaging
zeo++ ZEO++ 0.2.2 chemistry
zerosum ZeroSum 20231113 programming
zorro zorro 2.2 biology, sequencing
zstd Zstd 1.5.0 phylogenetics
zumis ZUMIS 2.6.0 biology, ngs, sequencing