tRNAscan-SE predicts tRNA genes from input DNA or RNA sequences in FASTA format. tRNA predictions are output in standard tabular format, secondary structure file, FASTA file, BED file, and GTF file.
Environment Modules¶
Run module spider trnascan-se
to find out what environment modules are available for this application.
Environment Variables¶
- HPC_TRNASCANSE_DIR - installation directory
- HPC_TRNASCANSE_BIN - executable directory
If you publish research that uses trnascan-se you have to cite it as follows:
- Lowe, T.M. and Chan, P.P. (2016) tRNAscan-SE On-line: Search and Contextual Analysis of Transfer RNA Genes. Nucl. Acids Res. 44: W54-57.
- Chan, P.P., Lin, B., and Lowe, T.M. tRNAscan-SE 2.0. (In Preparation)
biology, genomics, annotation