SVDetect is a application for the isolation and the type prediction of intra- and inter-chromosomal rearrangements from paired-end/mate-pair sequencing data provided by the high-throughput sequencing technologies This tool aims to identifying structural variations with both clustering and sliding-window strategies, and helping in their visualization at the genome scale. SVDetect is compatible with SOLiD and Illumina (>=1.3) reads. directory tree.
Environment Modules¶
Run module spider svdetect
to find out what environment modules are available for this application.
Environment Variables¶
Sample data and run configuration files can be found in the $HPC_SVDETECT_EX * HPC_SVDETECT_DIR - installation directory * HPC_SVDETECT_BIN - executable directory * HPC_SVDETECT_EX - directory with sample data and run configs
biology, ngs, genomics