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snap website

SNAP is a new sequence aligner that is 3-20x faster and just as accurate as existing tools like BWA-mem, Bowtie2 and Novoalign. It runs on commodity x86 processors, and supports a rich error model that lets it cheaply match reads with more differences from the reference than other tools. This gives SNAP up to 2x lower error rates than existing tools (in some cases) and lets it match larger mutations that they may miss. SNAP also natively reads BAM, FASTQ, or gzipped FASTQ, and natively writes SAM or BAM, with built-in sorting, duplicate marking, and BAM indexing.

Environment Modules

Run module spider snap to find out what environment modules are available for this application.

Environment Variables

  • HPC_SNAP_DIR - installation directory
  • HPC_SNAP_BIN - executable directory
  • HPC_SNAP_DOC - documentation directory


If you publish research that uses snap you have to cite it as follows:

Faster and More Accurate Sequence Alignment with SNAP. Matei Zaharia, William J. Bolosky, Kristal Curtis, Armando Fox, David Patterson, Scott Shenker, Ion Stoica, Richard M. Karp, and Taylor Sittler. arXiv:1111.5572v1, November 2011.

William J. Bolosky, Arun Subramaniyan, Matei Zaharia, Ravi Pandya, Taylor Sittler, and David Patterson. BioRxiv, November 2021.


biology, variant_calling