MONAI label¶
MONAI Label is an intelligent open source image labeling and learning tool that enables users to create annotated datasets and build AI annotation models for clinical evaluation. MONAI Label enables application developers to build labeling apps in a serverless way, where custom labeling apps are exposed as a service through the MONAI Label Server. USAGE: 1) Server: To start the server as a slurm job: sbatch Note server address from job output: used in next step 2) 3DSlicer client - Start Open On Demand (OOD) session - Start Console in hwgui with 1 GPU: gpu:geforce:1 - In console: load & start Slicer ml slicer Slicer - In Slicer GUI: Select module: Active Learning -> MONAILabel Fill in server address, e.g.: http://c1007a-s17:8000/ Click on refresh button next to server address Load Next Sample You are good to go! Enjoy!
Environment Modules¶
Run module spider ngc-monailabel
to find out what environment modules are available for this application.
Environment Variables¶
- HPC_MONAILABEL_DIR - installation directory