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netcdf-c website

NetCDF is a set of software libraries and self-describing, machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data. The netcdf module file defines the following environment variables: location of the NETCDF distribution, binaries, libraries, and include files, respectively. To use the NETCDF library, compile the source code with the option: and add the following options to the link step:

Environment Modules

Run module spider netcdf-c to find out what environment modules are available for this application.

Environment Variables

HPC_NETCDF_DIR, HPC_NETCDF_BIN, HPC_NETCDF_LIB and HPC_NETCDF_INC for the -I\$HPC_NETCDF_INC -L\$HPC_NETCDF_LIB -lnetcdf * HPC_NETCDF_DIR - installation directory * HPC_NETCDF_BIN - executable directory * HPC_NETCDF_LIB - library directory * HPC_NETCDF_INC - includes directory

