MOSAIK is a reference-guided assembler comprising of four main modular programs: MosaikBuild converts various sequence formats into Mosaik’s native read format. MosaikAligner pairwise aligns each read to a specified series of reference sequences. MosaikSort resolves paired-end reads and sorts the alignments by the reference sequence coordinates. Finally, MosaikText converts alignments to different text-based formats. At this time, the workflow consists of supplying sequences in FASTA, FASTQ, Illumina Bustard & Gerald, or SRF file formats and producing results in the BLAT axt, the BAM/SAM, the UCSC Genome Browser bed, or the Illumina ELAND formats. * MOSAIK_TMP - directory for temporary files
Environment Modules¶
Run module spider mosaik
to find out what environment modules are available for this application.
Environment Variables¶
- HPC_MOSAIK_DIR - installation directory
- HPC_MOSAIK_BIN - executable directory
- HPC_MOSAIK_NET - network file directory
biology, alignment