FUNGANI: A BLAST-based program for analyzing Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) between two fungal genomes, enables easy fungal species delimitation. Modules system sets up the following environment variables for this module: * FUNGANI_DIR - github repository
Environment Modules¶
Run module spider fungani
to find out what environment modules are available for this application.
Environment Variables¶
- HPC_FUNGANI_DIR - installation directory
- HPC_FUNGANI_BIN - executable directory
Additional Usage Information¶
Executables need to be run from the root of the github repository. Either copy $FUNGANI_DIR or clone from github, and cd into personal 'fungani' folder:
$ module load fungani/0.1.0
$ cp -r $FUNGANI_DIR /path/to/myfungani
$ cd /path/to/myfungani
Command line executable
$ python -m fungani.cli -h
usage: fungani [-h] [-t THRESHOLD] [-p PERCENT] [-w SIZE] [-g OVERLAP] [-j CPUS] [-o OUTDIR] [-u] [-c] reference test
GUI can be launched in an Open Ondemand terminal:
$ python -m fungani