A program for multimodel inference on speciation and trait evolution.
Environment Modules¶
Run module spider bamm
to find out what environment modules are available for this application.
Environment Variables¶
- HPC_BAMM_DIR - installation directory
- HPC_BAMM_BIN - executable directory
Additional Usage Information¶
BAMM is oriented entirely towards detecting and quantifying heterogeneity in evolutionary rates. It uses reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo to automatically explore a vast universe of candidate models of lineage diversification and trait evolution.
BAMM and associated methods have been described and extended in several publications (PLoS ONE 2014 , Nature Communications 2013 , Systematic Biology 2014, and Evolution 2015).
BAMM is a command line program written in C++.
Post-run analysis and visualization is performed using the R package BAMMtools.