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admb website

AD Model Builder, or ADMB, is a C++ application which implements AD using specialized classes and operator overloading. ADMB can be downloaded from this site. For further information about ADMB, see Fournier, D.A., Skaug, H.J., Ancheta, J., Ianelli, J., Magnusson, A., Maunder, M.N., Nielsen, A., and Sibert, J. 2012. AD Model Builder: using automatic differentiation for statistical inference of highly parameterized complex nonlinear models. Optim. Methods Softw. 27:233-249. * ADMB_HOME - installation directory

Environment Modules

Run module spider admb to find out what environment modules are available for this application.

Environment Variables

  • HPC_ADMB_DIR - installation directory
  • HPC_ADMB_BIN - executable directory
  • HPC_ADMB_LIB - library directory
  • HPC_ADMB_INC - includes directory


If you publish research that uses admb you have to cite it as follows:

Fournier, D.A., Skaug, H.J., Ancheta, J., Ianelli, J., Magnusson, A., Maunder, M.N., Nielsen, A., and Sibert, J. 2012. AD Model Builder: using automatic differentiation for statistical inference of highly parameterized complex nonlinear models. Optim. Methods Softw. 27:233-249.


math, modeling