SLURM Crontab¶
On HiPerGator you can use SCRON (SLURM Crontab) to schedule periodically occuring jobs in Slurm. SCRON uses a syntax similar to the traditional Unix/Linux CRON jobs utilities. See the SLURM Crontab documentation for full details.
SCRON combines the same functionality as cron with the resiliency of the batch system. Jobs are run on a cluster of nodes, so unlike with regular cron, a single node going down won't keep your SCRON job from running. You can also find and modify your SCRON jobs on any login node.
SCRON jobs are mananged by scrontab for each user.
List Your Current Scrontab¶
You can view your existing scripts (if any) in scrontab with:
scrontab -l
Set Up or Edit Your Scrontab¶
Run scrontab -e
to create or edit your scrontab file. The default editor for
scrontab is vi but you can specify your favorite editor, for example if you
prefer to use nano to edit files, run:
EDITOR=nano scrontab -e
You can also define the environmental parameter EDITOR to change the default editor in prior to launching "scrontab -e", for example:
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano
In scrontab the lines that start with #SCRON are treated like the beginning of a new batch job, and work like #SBATCH directives for regular Slurm batch jobs. Slurm will ignore #SBATCH directives in scripts you run as scrontab jobs. You can use most of the common sbatch options just as you would using sbatch on the command line. The first line after your SCRON directives specifies the schedule for your job and the command to run.
scrontab jobs will start in the home directory. Change with the --chdir slurm
Crontab syntax as used in regular Cron jobs and Scrontab is specified in five columns, to specify minutes, hours, days of the month, months, and days of the week. Especially at first you may find it easiest to use a helper application to generate your cron date fields, such as crontab-generator or You can also use the short-hand syntax @hourly, @daily, @weekly, @monthly, and @yearly instead of the five separate columns.
Normally scrontab will clobber the output file from the previous run on each execution, since each execution uses the same jobid. This can be avoided using a redirect to a date-stamped file like:
0 20 * * 3 ./ > myjob_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M).out
If you're running a script in scrontab it must be marked as executable in its permission settings. Jobs handled by scrontab do not run in a full login shell, so if you have customized your .bashrc file you need to add:
source ~/.bashrc
The command you specify in the scrontab is executed via bash, NOT sbatch
Since the commands in a scron job are executed by the bash shell you can list
multiple commands separated by a semicolon (;
), and use other shell features,
such as redirects. Any #SBATCH directives in executed scripts will be ignored
as the #
starts a 'comment' in a shell. You must use #SCRON in the scrontab file
If you want to see slurm accounting of a job handled by scrontab, for example job 12345 run:
sacct --duplicates --jobs 12345
sacct -Dj 12345''
Scrontab Examples¶
This example submits a 6-hour test job eligible to start every day at 12:00 AM:
#SCRON --time 6:00:00
#SCRON --cpus-per-task 4
#SCRON --name "daily_test"
#SCRON --chdir /home/myusername/test
#SCRON -o myoutput/%j-out.txt
@daily ./
The following example runs a test script eligible to start every Wednesday at 8:00 PM:
#SCRON --time 1:00:00
#SCRON --partition test
#SCRON --chdir /home/myusername/test
#SCRON -o test_log_%j.txt
0 20 * * 3 ./
The example below checks every hour whether an instance of the test job is running, and if not, it will start it. This avoids multiple instances of the same job from running by using the "--dependency=singleton" option in the scrontab:
#SCRON --qos=mygroup
#SCRON --account=myaccount
#SCRON --time=30-00:00:00
#SCRON --dependency=singleton
#SCRON --name=mytest
0 * * * * ./
Monitor Your Scrontab Jobs¶
You can monitor your scrontab jobs with
squeue --me -q cron -O JobID,EligibleTime
This will show the next time the batch system will run your job. If the scrontab job is set to repeat, the system will automatically reschedule the next job. Additionally, if you modify your scrontab job, slurm will automatically cancel the old job and resubmit an new one.
Email notifications¶
If you prefer email notifications for your SCRON jobs, those can be enabled in a similar fashion to other slurm jobs. However, if the job is run frequently, this can lead to lots of email messages and they might have issues with various email providers. To reduce email notifications for frequently running jobs, customers can either determine a limited condition on when the email is sent (i.e. #SCRON --mail-type=FAIL) or set up a job log.
One of the easiest ways to setup a job log is to add a logging line to end of your SCRON script:
echo "Closing timestamp: `date`" >> $HOME/scron/logs/testlogs.txt
This line will add a closing timestamp to a log file located in the customer's home directory every time the job runs. This provides a log of when the script ran correctly and when used in combination with the limited email condition above, can reduce email from scripts that run frequently.
Cancel a Scrontab Job¶
To remove a scontab job from your running jobs you can edit the scontab file
with scrontab -e
and comment out all the lines associated with the entry.
On the other hand, using scancel command to remove a job started with scrontab will give a warning like:
$ scancel 12345
scancel: error: Kill job error on job id 12345: Cannot scancel a scrontab job
without the --hurry flag, or modify scrontab jobs through scontrol
By canceling a scontab job with the "--hurry" flag, the entry in the scrontab file will be prepended with #DISABLED. These comments will need to be removed before the job can start again.