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Accessing UFIT RC Systems and Services

Access to HiPerGator and other UFIT Research Computing systems and services can be summarized as a combination of obtainting a user account, procuring computational and storage allocations to support your work, selecting appropriate interfaces to use to accomplish your goals, and complying with the security controls that prevent unauthorized access to the RC systems while minimizing the inconvenience to the users.

Obtaining a HiPerGator Account

A HiPerGator (HPG) account is a linux user account that can be used to access HiPerGator via ssh and web interfaces. It is a pre-requisite for performing any activity on HPG. Both access and resources on HPG are tied to user accounts and the groups (one primary group and zero or more secondary groups) they belong to.

HiPerGator user account is a user record protected by external authentication with an institutional account wheter UF Gatorlink or Federated. We do not store and cannot help you with your account credentials or institutional account expiration beside

For more details and step-by-step procedures see the following articles.

Account Eligibility Criteria

See HiPerGator Account Eligibility for details

Requesting a HiPerGator Account

See Requesting a HiPerGator Account for details.

Obtaining Resources on HiPerGator

New sponsors should see the Trial Allocation Request for details.

Current should see Resource Investments for details.


Sponsors must maintan at least a minimum allocation to keep their group active and able to sponsor new users or perform any work on HiPerGator.

HiPerGator Security Controls

Using Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA) with GatorLink or Federated credentials or SSH keys is mandatory for accessing all HiPerGator interfaces.

Filesystem permissions and access control lists are used for control of the access to directories and files on all filesystems.

RC Single Signon authentication and authorization mechanism based on HiPerGator group membership is used to control access to web application endpoints (urls) and all HPG web interfaces.

Additional controls may be set for certain systems and services. See further documentation for details.